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miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

Violence against women:an EU-wide survey

Los resultados de la encuesta europea sobre la prevalencia de la violencia contra la mujer en los países de Unión Europea (UE), muestran un panorama sombrío y descorazonador. 
La culta Europa donde nació el pensamiento filosófico occidental es, en el siglo XXI machista y abusiva contra las mujeres. 
Ya sabíamos de la disparidad de oportunidades, la ausencia de mujeres en cargos importantes en sectores como las finanzas. Ahora nos enteramos, con datos, que el asunto es peor. 
Cornudas y apaleadas. 
Vamos, que si una no es feminista es por ser tonta del culo. 
Y luego están ciertos atroces modelos de conducta de algunas mujeres notables (el "yo confiaba en mi marido") con el que la hija menor del Jefe del Estado español, se explicó ante la ley, algo que denota una aceptación de la sumisión al varón propia del patriarcado medieval. Lo que se entiende por tratarse de una infanta de España. 
Quiero agregar la publicidad insultante, grosera y zafia que predomina, fomenta la falta de respeto contra las mujeres y niñas. ¿Por qué el portal Yahoo se burla sistemáticamente de la mujer del heredero del trono de España?, ¿Por qué los supremos horteras redactores/as de las secciones de cotilleo de dicho portal global la reducen a una especie de escuálida modelo  suprema. Y el baboso "nuestra princesa", ofensivo. 
Será de ellos/as. Para mí es una mujer igual que yo. Que merece el mismo respeto y aprecio que todas. El mismo respeto que yo exijo por ser persona. Y que procuro ganarme día a día. 
Pero lo tenemos crudo.

Información aparecida en "The Guardian"

"The report ranks countries in order depending on the responses to the survey. In three countries often praised for their gender equality, for example, high numbers of women report suffering violence since the age of 15: in Denmark 52%, Finland 47%, and Sweden 46% of women say they have suffered physical or sexual violence.
The UK reports the joint fifth highest incidence of physical and sexual violence (44%), whereas women in Poland report the lowest – 19%. However, campaigners to end violence against women advised caution in reporting country-wide differences, given different levels of awareness of what constitutes abuse.
Calling for a concerted international effort to combat such high levels of violence, Kjaerum writes: "With the publication of the survey and the necessary follow-up measures by politicians, women who have been victims of violence can be encouraged to speak up. This is crucial in those countries, and among certain groups, where it is not yet widespread to openly talk about personal experiences of violence, where reporting of incidents to the authorities is low, and where violence against women is not addressed as a mainstream policy issue."
Among the findings, to be unveiled in Brussels on Wednesday, are:
• One in 10 women have experienced some form of sexual violence since the age of 15, while one in 20 has been raped.
• One in 10 women have been stalked by a previous partner.
• Most violence is carried out by a current or former partner, with 22% of women in relationships reporting partner abuse.
• About one third (31%) who report being raped by a partner have been repeatedly raped, which the report defines as six or more times.
• Violence against women is one of the least reported crimes. Only 14% of women reported their most serious incident of partner violence to the police, while a similar percentage (13%) reported their most serious incident of non-partner violence.
• Just over one in 10 women experienced some form of sexual violence by an adult before they were 15.
Holly Dustin, director of End Violence Against Women, said the survey highlighted the urgent need for the UK to ratify the Istanbul convention. "We need to ensure that women are supported and protected."
The report's authors also urge special preventive and awareness programmes for young women who are "particularly vulnerable to victimisation" as well as a focus on men, who "need to be positively engaged in initiations that confront how some men use violence against women".
The report echoes a smaller study carried out last year by the World Health Organisation, which found that physical or sexual violence is a public health problem that affects more than one third of all women globally.
Datos originales del informe

An estimated 13 million women in the EU have experienced physical violence in the course of 12 months before the survey interviews.

An estimated 3.7 million women in the EU have experienced sexual violence in the course of 12 months before the survey interviews.

Overall prevalence of physical and sexual violence

One in three women (33 %) has experienced physical and/or sexual violence since she was 15 years old.

Some 8 % of women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence in the 12 months before the survey interview.

Out of all women who have a (current or previous) partner, 22 % have experienced physical and/or sexual violence by a partner since the age of 15.

Characteristics of physical violence

Some 31 % of women have experienced one or more acts of physical violence since the age of 15. While women are most likely to indicate that they were pushed or shoved, excluding this form of violence has only a limited effect on the overall prevalence of physical violence, bringing it down from 31 % to 25 %. 
This result reflects the fact that many women who say they have been pushed or shoved have also experienced other forms of physical violence.

Characteristics of sexual violence

• In total, 11 % of women have experienced some form of sexual violence since they were 15 years old, either by a partner or some other person.

One in 20 women (5 %) has been raped since the age of 15.

Of those women who indicate they have been victims of sexual violence by a non-partner, almost one 
in 10 women indicates that more than one perpetrator was involved in the incident when describing the 
details of the most serious incident of sexual violence they have experienced.
Details of intimate partner violence

One third of victims (34 %) of physical violence by a previous partner experienced four or more 
different forms of physical violence.

The most common forms of physical violence involve pushing or shoving, slapping or grabbing, or pulling a woman’s hair.

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