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sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2013

Agnes Mariam: una testigo en Siria

The Chemical Attacks in East Ghouta Used to Justify a Military Intervention in Syria
By Mother Agnes Mariam
Url of this article:

¿Pudo haberse "montado" un vídeo con información sobre los ataque químicos en Siria?. Aquí les dejo una referencia al informe que ha elaborado la monja católica Agnes Mariam. Ella no es espía, ni experta en contra inteligencia. No tiene que ver con fuerzas militares. La gentes del entorno en el que ejerce su misión religiosa, le pidieron ayuda. Y ella hizo lo que estuvo a su alcance.

"Read this report very carefully. It says the truth.  It reveals how the lives of innocent children were used as part of a criminal staged event, which was subsequently used to justify a military agenda on humanitarian grounds.

The preliminary report of  The International Support Team for Mussalaha in Syria under the helm of Mother Agnes Mariam can be accessed in pdf    (GR Editor, MCh) 

To read the full report in pdf click here  (large pdf slow download)

Excerpt from the Forward of the Study:

“From the moment when some families of abducted children contacted us to inform us that they recognized the children among those who are presented in the videos as victims of the Chemical Attacks of East Ghouta, we decided to examine the videos thoroughly.  ... 

Our first concern was the fate of the children we see in the footages.  Those angels are always alone in the hands of adult males that seem to be elements of armed gangs. The children that trespassed remain without their families and unidentified all the way until they are wrapped in the white shrouds of the burial. Moreover our study highlights without any doubt that their little bodies were manipulated and disposed with theatrical arrangements to figure in the screening.

If the studied footages were edited and published to exhibit pieces of evidence to accuse the Syrian State of perpetrating the chemical attacks on East Ghouta, our discoveries incriminate the editors and actors of forged facts through a lethal manipulation of unidentified children. ...

Thus we want to raise awareness toward the humanitarian case of this criminal use of children in the political propaganda of the East Ghouta Chemical Weapons Attack

We present this work to distinguished Spiritual Leaders, Heads of State, Members of Parliament Humanitarian actors and to any person who has heart for truth and justice and seeks to due accountability for evil deeds.“

Mother Agnes Mariam de La Croix,
President,  International Support Team for Mussalaha in Syria

To read the full report in pdf click here

Climate Change is Now

Han tardado siete años pero los resultados de sus investigaciones resultan contundentes. Se trata del Panel Intergubernamental sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC). La acción humana ejerce consecuencias catastróficas sobre el clima. Se señala el efecto invernadero, el calentamiento de los mares, olas de calor, cambios en los niveles de lluvia tales que las regiones secas del planeta padecerán sequías interminables, mientras aquellas zonas húmedas recibirán lluvias torrenciales. Hasta hace unos años, cuando las organizaciones ecologistas daban la voz de alarma se solía ridiculizarlos, invocar que no habían datos fiables. Aquí están los mejores pronósticos científicos.

"The world's leading climate scientists, who have been meeting in all-night sessions this week in the Swedish capital, said there was no longer room for doubt that climate change was occurring, and the dominant cause has been human actions in pouring greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
In their starkest warning yet, following nearly seven years of new research on the climate, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said it was "unequivocal" and that even if the world begins to moderate greenhouse gas emissions, warming is likely to cross the critical threshold of 2C by the end of this century. That would have serious consequences, including sea level rises, heatwaves and changes to rainfall meaning dry regions get less and already wet areas receive more.
Other key points from the report are:
• Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are now at levels "unprecedented in at least the last 800,000 years."
• Since the 1950's it's "extremely likely" that human activities have been the dominant cause of the temperature rise.
• Concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have increased to levels that are unprecedented in at least 800,000 years. The burning of fossil fuels is the main reason behind a 40% increase in C02 concentrations since the industrial revolution.
• Global temperatures are likely to rise by 0.3C to 4.8C, by the end of the century depending on how much governments control carbon emissions.
• Sea levels are expected to rise a further 26-82cm by the end of the century.(Con enlaces de The Guardian")
• The oceans have acidified as they have absorbed about a third of the carbon dioxide emitted".

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Julian Assange con Cuba

Julian Assange califica de "inmoral" el bloqueo estadounidense contra Cuba

El fundador del portal WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, denunció el bloqueo económico, financiero y comercial que mantiene Estados Unidos contra Cuba, durante una vídeoconferencia Habana-Londres efectuada en el Centro de Información para la Prensa en esta capital.
En el encuentro, del que participaron periodistas, estudiantes de Periodismo y blogueros de distintas ciudades, Assange manifestó su interés por la situación que Cuba enfrenta a causa del cerco estadounidense. Según la revista digital "Cubahora", Assange expresó que su organización ha aprendido de la Isla sobre el enfrentamiento a la agresión norteamericana, fundamentalmente, en cuanto a principios, determinación, humanidad, claridad ética e inteligencia. (Con información de Cubahora y PL),

Shunga:sex and pleasure in Japonese Art

El Museo Británico acogerá, a partir del 4 de octubre, una exposición temporal que vale la pena no perderse. Se trata de "Shunga: sex and pleasure in Japonese Art. Si no pueden acercarse a Londres les sugiero una visita  al portal oficial del museo. Y que conste que si he incluido aquí sólo unos cándidos besitos es por culpa de Google, que admite mucha basura, propaga pornografía comercial y profundo mal gusto en todas las formas posible, pero a quien escandaliza el erotismo.

Produced from 1600 to 1900 and banned in Japan for much of the 20th century, these explicit and beautifully detailed erotic paintings, prints and books inspired Toulouse-Lautrec, Beardsley, Rodin and Picasso.
Mostly created by the artists of the ukiyo-e or ‘floating world’ school, these popular works were known as shunga, - literally  ‘spring pictures’. They appealed to all classes in Japan for almost 300 years, and to men and women alike. Frequently tender and humorous, they celebrate sexual pleasure in all its forms in brilliantly coloured paintings and prints, culminating with beautiful and explicit works by iconic artists Utamaro, Hokusai and Kunisada.
Within Japan, shunga has continued to influence modern forms of art, including manga, anime and Japanese tattoo art. The exhibition sheds new light on this unique art form within Japanese social and cultural history.
Torii Kiyonaga (1752–1815), detail taken from Sode no maki (Handscroll for the Sleeve), c. 1785.

A Nuclear Free Zone in the Middle East

A “Nuclear-Free Zone” in the Middle East? Why Israel will not Join the Non-Proliferation Treaty
By Timothy Alexander Guzman

Tal vez la participación más positiva y notable de la reciente cumbre de la ONU, fue la del actual presidente de Irán Hassan Rouhani. Su iniciativa de una "zona desnuclearizada" puede contribuir a dar otros pasos hacia la paz en una zona inestable y sujeta a constantes conflictos. La posición del mandatario iraní llega en un momento crítico para la región. El presente artículo es una recopilación de datos históricos que permiten situar en perspectiva la actual condición de potencia nuclear de Israel.

Url of this article:

"Iran’s New President Hassan Rouhani has requested that Israel to sign and become a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) as he spoke for a second time at the United Nation General Assembly. “As long as nuclear weapons exist, the threat of their use exists,” Rouhani said, citing the American bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.  Rouhani is calling for “nuclear-free zone” in the Middle East.  Israel is the only country in the Middle East that had not and will not sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.  Israel would use nuclear weapons if it felt it was threatened by any nation in the Middle East.

The nuclear capability of Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) defensive capabilities just reached another plateau this past April.  It purchased its 5th nuclear submarine that can be deployed anywhere in the world with first strike capability.  The Israel News Agency reported that Israel purchased a fifth Dolphin class submarine called the “INS Rahav” from Germany.  The article headlined “Israel Launches Ninth Submarine, Ready To Strike Iran Nuclear Weapons.”  Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said “The submarines are a strong, strategic tool for the IDF. The State of Israel is ready to act anytime, anywhere – on land, sea and air – in order to ensure the security of Israel’s citizens.”  The submarines are equipped with Israeli-designed Popeye missiles that are capable of carrying nuclear warheads.  It is no secret that Israel has nuclear weapons.  Some estimates suggest that Israel has between 100 and 400 nuclear weapons.  No one knows exactly how many nuclear bombs Israel possesses, but we do know they have the capability to produce them at a moment’s notice.

Mordechai Vanunu, a former Israeli technician at the Dimona nuclear research center in the Negev desert exposed Israel’s nuclear program to the world in the 1986 Sunday Times (UK).  Vanunu was kidnapped in Italy by Mossad agents and brought to Israel to face an Israeli court.  He was convicted and imprisoned for more than 18 years at Shikma Prison in Ashkelon, Israel.  Half of his prison term was in solitary confinement.  He was eventually released in 2004.  Since then, Vanunu has been arrested and even imprisoned for violating his parole.  He was also arrested for trying to leave Israel at one time.  Former Israeli Prime Minister and Noble Peace Prize winner Shimon Peres said “he was a traitor to this country”.

Since Israel is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; the Dimona Nuclear Research center is not subject to inspections from the international community such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).  According to the Federation of American Scientists in a 2007 report, Israel has between 75 and 400 nuclear warheads, but some estimates have their nuclear warheads at less than 200. It is also known that Israel has the ability to deliver them by intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) with a range of 5,500 kilometers or 3,400 miles, the Jericho III missile named after the biblical city of Jericho, various aircrafts and of course submarines.  The report stated the following:

By the late 1990s the U.S. Intelligence Community estimated that Israel possessed between 75-130 weapons, based on production estimates. The stockpile would certainly include warheads for mobile Jericho-1 and Jericho-2 missiles, as well as bombs for Israeli aircraft, and may include other tactical nuclear weapons of various types. Some published estimates even claimed that Israel might have as many as 400 nuclear weapons by the late 1990s. We believe these numbers are exaggerated, and that Israel’s nuclear weapons inventory may include less than 100 nuclear weapons. Stockpiled plutonium could be used to build additional weapons if so decided

Israel’s nuclear program began after World War II.  Israel’s first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion once said “What Einstein, Oppenheimer, and Teller, the three of them are Jews, made for the United States, could also be done by scientists in Israel, for their own people”.  David Ben-Gurion wanted to establish a Jewish State with a military force that would repel an attack by any of its adversaries especially in the Arab world.  Ben-Gurion’s speech to the elected assembly of Palestine Jews on October 2nd, 1947 made it clear on the intentions of a new Jewish state:

Political developments have swept us on to a momentous parting of the ways – from Mandate to independence. Today, beyond our ceaseless work in immigration, settlement and campaign, we are set three blazing tasks, whereof fulfillment will condition our perpetuity: defense, a Jewish State and Arab-Jewish Cupertino, in that order of importance and urgency.

Security is our chief problem. I do not minimize the virtue of statehood even within something less than all the territory of the Land of Israel on either bank of the Jordan; but security comes unarguably first. It dominated our concerns since the Yishuv [Jewish community in Palestine] began from the start of colonization we knew we must, in the main, guarantee it ourselves. But recent upsets and upheavals in Palestine, in the Middle East and in the wide world, and in British and international politics as well, magnify it from a local problem of current safety into Zionism’s hinge of destiny. In scope, in intensity, in purport, it is entirely different now. Just think of the new factors that invest the problem with a political significance of unprecedented gravity – and I could add a dozen others: the anti-Zionist policy pursued by the Mandatory Government during the past ten years, the obliteration of European Jewry with the willing aid of the acknowledged leader of the Palestine Arabs, the establishment of an Arab League active and united only in combating Zionism, Bevin’s ugly war against the Jews, the crisis in Britain and its political and economic aftermath, the creation of armed forces in the neighboring States, the intrusion of the Arab Legion. And not a single Jewish unit exists.

We can stand up to any aggression launched from Palestine or its border, but more in potential than yet in fact. The conversion from potential to actual is now our major, blinding headache. It will mean the swiftest, widest mobilization, here and abroad, of capacity to organize, of our resources in economics and manpower, our science and technology, our civic sense. It must be an all-out effort, sparing no man.

Several months later on May 14th, 1948, the state of Israel became a reality with David Ben-Gurion as its first Prime Minister.  Ben-Gurion, Executive head of the World Zionist Organization in 1946 until 1956 and the head of the influential Weizmann Institute of Science and DefenseMinistry Scientist Ernest David Bergmann recruited Jewish Scientists from abroad during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.  Israel recruited and funded Jewish scientists to help Israel establish a nuclear program.  By 1949, the Israel Defense Forces Science Corps or ‘Hemed Gimmel’ was in search of Uranium in the Negev Desert, but only small amounts were discovered in phosphate deposits.  Hemed Gimmel financed several students to study nuclear technology overseas.  One of the students attended the University of Chicago to study under Enrico Fermi, who developed the Chicago Pile-1, the first nuclear reactor.  Fermi also made scientific contributions to nuclear, quantum and particle physics among others.

By the late 1950s Shimon Peres had established LEKEM, or the ‘Science liaison Bureau’ a new intelligence service that would search for technology, materials and equipment needed for Israel’s nuclear program.

By 1952, Hemed Gimmel was under Israel’s Ministry of Defense to become the Division of Research and Infrastructure (EMET).    By June 1952, The Israel Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC) was established with Ernest David Bergmann as the first chairman.  Hemed Gimmel was renamed Machon 4 which became the “chief laboratory” of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC).  France was a major partner for Israel’s nuclear program.  France also sold weapons to Israel.  The France-Israel relationship was instrumental in the development of the Dimona Nuclear Research Center.  Israel signed American President Dwight Eisenhower’s Atoms for Peace, an agreement for peaceful nuclear cooperation between the U.S. and Israel along with Turkey to build a“small swimming pool research reactor” at Nachal Soreq.

It was the first step to building the Dimona nuclear research center in the Negev desert in collaboration with France who faced political turmoil in its former colonies in North Africa.  Israel also faced Arab hostilities in the Middle East, so the cooperation on matters regarding new military technology complemented each other.  On March 20, 1957 a public signing ceremony to build a “small swimming-pool research reactor” took place between France and Israel.  But the reality was that France and Israel collaborated to build a larger facility at Dimona.  In‘Israel and the Bomb’ by Avner Cohen, he describes Ben Gurion’s ambitious plan regarding Israel’s nuclear program was advanced through the Atoms for Peace Initiative:

With the return of Ben Gurion to power in 1955, nuclear energy became a matter of national priority.  Ben Gurion gave political backing and financial support to those in the Ministry of Defense who were committed to promoting nuclear energy-Peres, Bergmann, Mardor, and the nuclear enthusiasts at Machon 4.  There was also a change in the international climate concerning nuclear energy, in the wake of Eisenhower’s December 1953 Atoms-for-Peace initiative.  Until then, nuclear energy in the United States, Canada, and Britain, the three major countries dealing with nuclear energy, was largely closed to other countries.  The Atoms for Peace Initiative made nuclear energy technology available to the rest of the world".(Consultar la URL correspondiente)    

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

Free Pussy Riot

La integrante del grupo punk Pussy Riot Nadia Tolokonikova, durante el juicio. | Afp
La integrante del grupo punk ruso Pussy Riot Nadia Tolokonikova.

Tolokonikova he decidido iniciar una huelga de hambre para protestar por las condiciones de su encierro.

Consecuencias del embargo a Cuba

El embargo que practica Estados Unidos contra cuba, repercute de forma negativa en la investigación y la salud pública. 

 "El embargo económico, financiero y comercial de Estados Unidos contra Cuba provoca pérdidas millonarias al sistema de salud de la Isla, según estimaciones de la Administración cubana que contabilizan esas afectaciones en el último año.
El bloqueo causa muchas dificultades para adquirir instrumentos, medicamentos y otros insumos para la atención de muchos pacientes.

Entre mayo del 2012 y abril del 2013 las pérdidas causadas por el bloqueo a la salud pública cubana se contabilizan en 39 millones de dólares, solo como resultado de la adquisición de medicamentos, instrumental y otros insumos en mercados lejanos, así como por el uso de intermediarios.
La cooperación internacional con el país caribeño también se resiente como resultado de la persecución de Washington contra bancos, firmas y empresas que realizan transacciones con La Habana.
Así, el Banco Cantonal de Zurich, Suiza, decidió suspender sus operaciones con Cuba, lo cual afectó el derecho de ciudadanos de ese país que por más de 20 años apoyaron proyectos médicos en la lucha contra el cáncer, prevención del sida, entre otras enfermedades, a través de la organización MediCuba-Suisse.
La Administración cubana señala que ponen trabas al entrenamiento del personal médico cubano en técnicas contemporáneas de asistencia médica.
Hay problemas con los equipos de Tomografía por Emisión de Positrones de la marca Philips.
La mayoría de los equipos de imágenes médicas son controlados o basados en el sistema operativo Windows XP, de 64 bits. Su activación en la sería ilegal debido al embargo estadounidense.
El Centro Nacional de Genética Médica de Cuba no ha podido adquirir un Analizador Genético, producido exclusivamente por compañías norteamericanas como Applied Biosystems, perteneciente a Life Technologies.
La larga lista incluye al Instituto de Gastroenterología, imposibilitado de disponer de un equipo de radiofrecuencia bipolar. Tal equipamiento es de tecnología estadounidense y comercializado por empresas de ese país que no pueden hacer negocios con Cuba.
El Cardiocentro Pediátrico de La Habana enfrenta serias dificultades para adquirir óxido nítrico, gas fabricado por compañías estadounidenses y europeas.
También el Instituto de Nefrología confronta problemas con la disponibilidad de kits para tipaje tisular HLA, de la firma de origen norteamericano One Lambda, que no autoriza su venta al vecino país.
Los enfermos con VIH/SIDA cubanos están imposibilitados de recibir las combinaciones de antirretrovirales que incluyan el Tenofovir de la firma Gilead. No han podido contar con los medicamentos antivirales kaletra, nelfinavir, ritonavir y Lopi/Rito infantil 80/20 mg.
En su carácter extraterritorial, el cerco incluso se ha impuesto en otros países.
Así ocurrió en un taller del Sistema LabWare-LIMS realizado en Colombia. Allí fueron excluidos especialistas del Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología bajo el pretexto de que la empresa norteamericana LabWare, patrocinadora del evento, no podía hacer tratos con la Isla.

Cuba prepara un informe con estas y otras incidencias que, por causa del bloqueo de Estados Unidos, afectan la vida de sus habitantes e incluso a ciudadanos y empresas de otras naciones, que será presentado próximamente ante la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas". (Con datos de la Administración cubana y PL)

Dilma Rouseff contra el espionaje estadounidense

Sede. El secretario general de la ONU, Ban Ki-moon, saluda a Rousseff.
La presidenta de Brasil Dilma Rousseff denunció con suma dureza ante la ONU el caso de espionaje de EEUU, algo que consideró como una “violación” de la soberanía de Brasil y un “quiebre del derecho internacional”, pidiendo un control multilateral del uso de Internet.
En un encendido discurso en el plenario de líderes mundiales, Rousseff, que suspendió una visita de Estado a Washington prevista para el 23 de octubre por esta cuestión, instó a la ONU a “reglamentar como corresponde la conducta de los Estados en cuanto a la utilización de estas tecnologías”.
“Semejante injerencia es un quebrantamiento del derecho internacional y una afrenta a los principios de las relaciones entre los países, especialmente si son amigos”, dijo Rousseff al referirse a las revelaciones de espionaje de Estados Unidos (EEUU) filtradas por el exconsultor estadounidense de inteligencia Edward Snowden.
Advirtió que el “ciberespacio no puede ser utilizado o manipulado como arma de guerra a través del espionaje, sabotaje”, y no “puede convertirse en un nuevo campo de batalla entre Estados”. Por ello, anunció que su país buscará “establecer un marco civil multilateral para la gobernanza y utilización de Internet y protección eficaz de los datos que viajan a través de Internet”. Documentos filtrados por Snowden y publicados en la prensa indican que la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad estadounidense (NSA) espió comunicaciones de Rousseff y la petrolera estatal Petrobras, que tiene grandes yacimientos descubiertos en aguas brasileñas.
Tras afirmar que “la soberanía de un país nunca pueda basarse en detrimento del derecho de otro país”, Roussef sostuvo que este caso “requiere una respuesta de la comunidad internacional”.

Versace hace la calle

Versace for H&M: Versace for H&M, New york
Pues lo que ven aquí formó parte de la colección de Donatella Versace en Milan. Versace y H&M han suscrito un acuerdo que pondrá el cuidado diseño de la casa italiana a un precio asequible. Son los nuevos tiempos en el que hasta los buques insignias de la alta costura europea tienen que contemplar una clientela menos restringida. Así que si ven un chico ataviado de tal guisa ya saben de qué va el asunto.

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

A Dalí le "ponía" Hitler

Salvador Dalí ha dejado una profunda huella en el arte del siglo XX. Pero cuando uno se toma el trabajo de leer alguna de las múltiples biografías que existen, y visitar su curiosa autobiografía, puede llegar a la conclusión que era una mala persona. Cuando alcancé el pasaje en que se comentaba su exclamación ante la muerte, el asesinato, de Federico García Lorca (Olé) sentí  asco. Y encima un experto estudioso de su vida privada daba cuenta que el gran creador le ponía cáscaras de nueces a los gatos en las patas para verlos derrapar. Eso no impide reconocer que algunas obras del Gran Masturbador son sublimes. Era un dibujante genial. Tuvo su breve etapa de "catalanofilia" para luego convertirse en una máquina creativa en busca de rentabilidad, lo que consiguió con creces en el mercado estadounidense. Tal vez el mejor enclave de su obra pictórica se encuentra en S. Petersburgo (Fla, USA). Si pasan por Figueres, su pueblo natal, no dejen de acercarse al museo correspondiente. Luego una visita a Port Lligat los transportará al escenario de los sueños/pesadillas dalinianas. Todo sea dicho: adoro la música de Wagner, que suena espléndida pese al brutal racismo del compositor y a la beatería que Hitler sentía por él. 

Affectionate note … the sketch Salvador Dalí drew for Wallis Simpson, the duchess of Windsor.
Affectionate note the sketch Salvador Dalí drew for Wallis Simpson, the duchess of Windsor.
Photograph: Hansons Auction House/PA

The Enigma of Hitler (El enigma de Hitler)
The Enigma of Hitler

"It seems sadly inevitable. Salvador Dalí was nicknamed ávida dollars("eager for dollars") by his former friends the surrealists for abandoning idealism in favour of fame and money, and suspected of far worse. He was condemned by the group for his painting The Enigma of Hitler. He later wrote that Hitler "turned me on".
Now it turns out he was friends with Wallis Simpson, who has also been suspected of Nazi sympathies. An auction house is about to sell a drawing Dalí gave to the woman for whom Edward VIII abdicated the throne. He did it at his favourite American residence, the St Regis Hotel (it's on their notepaper). Dalí scribbled an affectionate note and sketched a horseman.
It's said that Dalí did the drawing over lunch with the Duchess of Windsor – if so, what did they talk about? Happy memories of the 1930s perhaps. In 1937, just before her marriage to the former monarch, Simpson posed for glamorous photographs by Cecil Beaton in the gardens of a French chateau. This was just a few months after Edward VIII gave up the throne. Beaton portrayed Simpson as a beauty fit to obsess a king – and a subversive modern woman who contrasted with stuffy old Britain and its moralising monarchical ways." (Con datos y enlaces de The Guardian)

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013

Mutti Merkel

Photo Gallery: Merkel in Pole Position
Los alemanes votan lo seguro.  Votan centro y tranquilidad.Y si algo ofrece Angi Merkel es mucha seguridad. Hay políticos que vienen y van. Que pretenden engatusar al personal con sus oriflamas verbales. Luego todo se queda en agua de borraja. Por desgracia para las mujeres, existen ciertas señoras parlamentarias o dirigentes destacadas que parecen más interesadas por lucir palmito, sostenerse con garbo en los taconazos, y que el maquillaje no se les escurra, que en producir iniciativas, que es para lo que están, digo yo. La Canciller alemana es todo lo contrario. Cuando habla dice mucho, con pocas y certeras palabras. Su lenguaje corporal es escueto, sereno. Pero si se fijan  Merkel tiene una mirada viva, acerada, con la que cuando lo precisa reparte desplantes visuales. Como para dejar tieso al más pintado. Angi es dura en el sentido de consistente. Tal vez se deba a su sólida formación científica. Me imagino que cuando está entre amigos puede derrochar ingenio. Ser una grata compañera de mesa frente a unas enormes cervezas alemanas. Pero su vida personal es asunto de ella y su familia. Merkel es una Jefa de Estado no una señora o un señor que se ha metido en política. La diferencia es significativa. Supongo que por eso la votan. Tienen suerte, vamos. (Fotos de Der Spiegel)