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sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2013

Pravda y las Pussy Riot

"No Russian feels any respect for Pussy Riot"

Pues aquí va la versión oficialista rusa en torno a las Pussy Riot, que guardan prisión. Vale que una iglesia no es el sitio adecuado para montar un numerito reivindicativo. Pero tampoco han cometido un delito grave. ¿Falta de respeto a los popes?. Claro. Pero es que los popes no son respetables. En Rusia parece que se ha pasado de la censura del partido único a una sociedad conservadora de lo peor: con leyes contra la libertad sexual y la bendición clerical.

No Russian feels any respect to Pussy Riot. 51106.jpeg 
No Russian feels any respect to members of the notorious band Pussy Riot that staged a "punk prayer" in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, an opinion poll conducted by Levada-Center said. The survey was conducted among 1,601 people in 130 settlements of 45 regions of the country. 
The vast majority (78 %) of Russians heard about the scandalous performance of Pussy Riot in February last year. As many as 27% of respondents feel aversion to the members of the band, 23 % of respondents can not say anything positive about the convicted girls. One in five respondents (20%) said that they were indifferent to them. About 19% of the polled said that they are annoyed when they hear anything about the band. There are those who sympathized with them - 6%; another 2% can not say anything bad about the girls.
Speaking about the motives of the infamous act in the Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, 23% of respondents said that it was staged against the Church and the faithful (this is 9% higher than compared with results of a similar survey last year). As many as 19% of respondents believe that Pussy Riot arranged the performance against the government. According to 17% of the participants of the survey, the girls were against the participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in politics reports Interfax.

Nueva alerta en Fukushima

La foto recoge el momento del siniestro el 11/11/11. Lo que sucede en la actualidad son fugas incontroladas de agua radioactiva. El nivel de contaminación de las zonas de escapes es suficiente para provocar la muerte de una persona expuesta en cuatro horas. Habrá que esperar la evolución de una situación que es un reto para la tecnología nuclear.

Cuban women in Science

Cuban women lead in scientific professions
Cuban women lead in scientific professionsWOMEN in Cuba predominate in the country’s scientific sector, holding 53% of leadership, research, technical and service positions.
As of last year, 89,947 Cubans were directly involved in scientific and technical work, and 47,609 of these were women, according to the 2012 Statistic Annual issued by the National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI).
The ONEI reported that among those employed in this sector, close to 70,000 were university graduates, including 4,655 with advanced degrees.

Figures gathered by ONEI also indicated that in general there were fewer workers in the field, as compared to 2011.

El rey de Cuba

Los huevos se incuban en local aparte, con la temperatura adecuada, para preservar las futuras crías.
Huevo para ser incubado en el laboratorio.
El Crocodylus rhombifer o cocodrilo cubano
Pues se equivocan, no va de política. Como es finde y lo de Siria parece que se encamina gracias a los buenos oficios de Rusia, les muestro al rey del mambo en Kuba. (Que no es precisamente el Comandante Fidel). Se trata de un reptil  amenazador: el cocodrilo cubano, autóctono de la isla. Una compañera mía hizo su tesis de Doctorado con semejante "material". Estudiaba el desarrollo embrionario de los bichos. Y les aseguro que salían del huevo pegando dentelladas. Son depredadores natos.

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013

Cumpleaños de Bashar al Assad

No me imagino cómo estará celebrando su cumpleaños el presidente de Siria Bashar al Assad. Su país está asolado. Ambos bandos han perpetrado barbaridades, Y Obama no va a esperar una eternidad a que el hombre tan atildado que decora el post decida entregar el arsenal químico. Y yo añado que se debería investigar a fondo dónde se sintetizó el sarí. O si lo compraron listo para su uso. Pues eso, felicidades señor, aunque lo mejor que podía hacer es recoger todo el dinero amasado, que ha de ser mucho, y largarse a Qatar, por ejemplo.

Siria a la espera

Presidente de Siria y su esposa con  el Rey, la Reina y los Príncipes. (Madrid, España)
Estados Unidos espera una propuesta de Rusia para colocar el arsenal de armas químicas de Siria bajo control internacional, pero no lo hará "por mucho tiempo", advirtió  el jefe de la diplomacia estadounidense, John Kerry, durante una audiencia en el Congreso.
El diplomático anunció que se reunirá el próximo jueves en Ginebra con el ministro de Exteriores ruso, Serguei Lavrov, para analizar la situación en Siria, informó este martes una fuente gubernamental a la cadena CNN.
Kerry insistió en la necesidad de un plan "vinculante" y que la comunidad internacional tenga "acceso sin límites a todas las instalaciones" de armas químicas en Siria, según EFE.
Mientras, el presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, dijo que la iniciativa rusa de someter al control internacional los arsenales químicos de Siria surtirá efecto siempre y cuando Estados Unidos y sus aliados desistan del uso de la fuerza.
"Esto tiene sentido y podrá funcionar solo si oímos que EE.UU. y cuantos le apoyan renuncian a usar la fuerza", declaró Putin a la prensa.
Añadió que "es difícil forzar el desarme unilateral de Siria o de cualquier otra nación cuando contra ella se está preparando una acción militar".
Commemorating September 11, 2001: Too Many Years Of Lies. From Mossadeq to 9/11By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

El 11/S me encontraba en Carolina del Norte. Enseñaba química y español en la Highland School  of Technology. Por eso cada 11 de septiembre mis sentimientos son encontrados: prefiero vivir el presente, roll on, como se dijo en el momento en que se desconocía lo que sucedería, cuando el Sr. Bush viajaba a bordo del Air Force One, supongo que desconcertado. Los ciudadanos de Estados Unidos no han recibido información clara, suficiente y adecuada, para responder a las múltiples preguntas que nos hicimos entonces. ¿ Cómo la inteligencia de Estados Unidos no detectó con antelación semejante peligro?. ¿Cómo se pasó por alto un grupo de árabes que deseaban aprender a volar pero no necesitaban saber aterrizar ?.  Y por ejemplo, Atta había estudiado en Hamburgo, y zascandileó a placer por Europa. He leído el informe de la comisión designada por el Congreso, y debo ser muy corta de entendederas pero no me convenció. El presente artículo no revela ningún secreto. Pero demuestra que queda mucho por aclarar.

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Washington has been at war for 12 years.  According to experts such as Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes, these wars have cost Americans approximately $6 trillion, enough to keep Social Security and Medicare sound for decades.  All there is to show for 12 years of war is fat bank balances for the armament industries and a list of destroyed countries with millions of dead and dislocated people who never lifted a hand against the United States.

The cost paid by American troops and taxpayers is extreme. Secretary of Veteran Affairs Erik Shinseki reported in November 2009 that “more veterans have committed suicide since 2001 than we have lost on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan.”  Many thousands of our troops have suffered amputations and traumatic brain injuries. At the Marine Corps War College Jim Lacey calculated that the annual cost of the Afghan war was $1.5 billion for each al-Qaeda member in Afghanistan.  Many US and coalition troops paid with their lives for every one al-Qaeda member killed. On no basis has the war ever made sense.

Washington’s wars have destroyed the favorable image of the United States created over the decades of the cold war.  No longer the hope of mankind, the US today is viewed as a threat whose government cannot be trusted.

The wars that have left America’s reputation in tatters are the consequence of 9/11. The neoconservatives who advocate America’s hegemony over the world called for “a new Pearl Harbor” that would allow them to launch wars of conquest. Their plan for conquering the Middle East as their starting point was set out in the neoconservative  “Project for the New American Century.”  It was stated clearly by Commentary editor Norman Podhoretz and also by many neoconservatives.

The neocon argument boils down to a claim that history has chosen “democratic capitalism” and not Karl Marx as the future. To comply with history’s choice, the US must beef up its military and impose the American Way on the entire world.

In other words, as Claes Ryn wrote, the American neoconservatives are the “new Jacobins,” a reference to the French Revolution of 1789 that intended to overthrow aristocratic Europe and replace it with “Liberty, equality, fraternity,” but instead gave Europe a quarter century of war, death, and destruction.

Ideologies are dangerous, because they are immune to facts. Now that the United States is no longer governed by the US Constitution, but by a crazed ideology that has given rise to a domestic police state more complete than that of Communist East Germany and to a warfare state that attacks sovereign countries based on nothing but manufactured lies, we are left with the irony that Russia and China are viewed as constraints on Washington’s ability to inflict evil, death, and destruction on the world.

The two pariah states of the 20th century have become the hope of mankind in the 21st century!

As Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick prove in their book, The Untold History of the United States, the American government has never deserved its white hat reputation. Washington has been very successful in dressing up its crimes in moralistic language and hiding them in secrecy.  It is only decades after events that the truth comes out.

For example, on August 19, 1953, the democratically elected government of Iran was overthrown by a coup instigated by the US government. Sixty years after the event declassified CIA documents detail how the secret CIA operation overthrew a democratic government and imposed Washington’s puppet on the people of Iran.

The declassified documents could not have spelled it out any clearer:  “The military coup that overthrew Mossadeq and his National Front cabinet was carried out under CIA direction as an act of U.S. foreign policy, conceived and approved at the highest levels of government.”

In the 21st century Washington is attempting to repeat its 1953 feat of overthrowing the Iranian government, this time using the faux “green revolution” financed by Washington.

When that fails, Washington will rely on military action.

If 60 years is the time that must pass before Washington’s crimes can be acknowledged, the US government will admit the truth about September 11, 2001 on

September 11, 2061. In 2013, on this 12th anniversary of 9/11, we only have 48 years to go before Washington admits the truth. Alas, the members of the 9/11 truth movement will not still be alive to receive their vindication.

But just as it has been known for decades that Washington overthrew Mossadeq, we already know that the official story of 9/11 is hogwash.

No evidence exists that supports the government’s 9/11 story.  The 9/11 Commission was a political gathering run by a neoconservative White House operative. The Commission members sat and listened to the government’s story and wrote it down. No investigation of any kind was made.  One member of the Commission resigned, saying that the fix was in. After the report was published, both co-chairmen of the Commission and the legal counsel wrote books disassociating themselves from the report. The 9/11 Commission was “set up to fail,” they wrote.

NIST’s account of the structural failure of the twin towers is a computer simulation based on assumptions chosen to produce the result. NIST refuses to release its make-believe explanation for expert scrutiny. The reason is obvious.  NIST’s explanation of the structural failure of the towers cannot survive scrutiny.

There are many 9/11 Truth organizations whose members are high-rise architects,  structural engineers, physicists, chemists and nano-chemists, military and civilian airline pilots, firemen and first responders, former prominent government officials, and 9/11 families.  The evidence they have amassed overwhelms the feeble official account.

It has been proven conclusively that World Trade Center Building 7 fell at free fall which can only be achieved by controlled demolition that removes all resistance below to debris falling from above so that no time is lost in overcoming resistance from intact structures.  NIST has acknowledged this fact, but has not changed its story.

In other words, still in America today official denial takes precedence over science and  known undisputed facts.

On this 12th anniversary of a false flag event, it is unnecessary for me to report the voluminous evidence that conclusively proves that the official story is a lie.  You can read it for yourself. It is available online. You can read what the architects and engineers have to say. You can read the scientists’ reports. You can hear from the first responders who were in the WTC towers. You can read the pilots who say that the maneuvers associated with the airliner that allegedly hit the Pentagon are beyond their skills and most certainly were not performed by inexperienced pilots.

You can read David Griffin’s many books. You can watch the film produced by Richard Gage and Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth. You can read the 9/11 Toronto Report, International Hearings on 9/11. You can read this book: here

Actually, you do not need any of the expert evidence to know that the US government’s story is false. As I have previously pointed out, had a few young Saudi Arabians, the alleged 9/11 hijackers, been capable of outwitting, without support from any government and intelligence service, not only the CIA and FBI, but all sixteen US intelligence services, the intelligence services of Washington’s NATO allies and Israel’s Mossad, the National Security Council, NORAD, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Traffic Control, and defeat Airport Security four times in one hour on the same morning, the White House, Congress, and the media would have been demanding an investigation of how the National Security State could so totally fail.

Instead, the President of the United States and every government office fiercely resisted any investigation. It was only after a year of demands and rising pressure from the 9/11 families that the 9/11 Commission was created to bury the issue.

No one in government was held accountable for the astonishing failure. The national security state was defeated by a few rag tag Muslims with box cutters and a sick old man dying from renal failure while holed up in a cave in Afghanistan, and no heads rolled.

The total absence from the government for demands for an investigation of an event that is the greatest embarrassment to a “superpower” in world history is a complete give-away that 9/11was a false flag event. The government did not want any investigation, because the government’s cover story cannot stand investigation.

The government could rely on the mega-media corporations in whose hands the corrupt Clinton regime concentrated the US media. By supporting rather than investigating the government’s cover story, the media left the majority of Americans, who are sensitive to peer pressure, without any support for their doubts. Effectively, the American Ministry of Propaganda validated the government’s false story.

Common everyday experiences of Americans refute the government’s story.  Consider, for example, self-cleaning ovens.  How many American homes have them?  Thirty million?  More?  Do you have one?

Do you know what temperature self-cleaning ovens reach?  The self-cleaning cycle runs for several hours at 900 degrees Fahrenheit or 482 degrees Celsius.  Does your self-cleaning oven melt at 482 degrees Celsius.  No, it doesn’t.  Does the very thin, one-eighth inch steel soften and your oven collapse? No, it doesn’t.

Keep that in mind while you read this:  According to tests performed by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), only 2% of the WTC steel tested by NIST reached temperatures as high as 250 degrees Celsius, about half the temperature reached by your self-cleaning oven. Do you believe that such low temperatures on such small areas of the WTC towers caused the massive, thick, steel columns in the towers to soften and permit the collapse of the buildings?  If you do, please explain why your self-cleaning oven doesn’t weaken and collapse.

In Section E.5 of the Executive Summary in this NIST report  it says: “A method was developed using microscopic observations of paint cracking to determine whether steel members had experienced temperatures in excess of 250 degrees C. More than 170 areas were examined . . .  Only three locations had a positive result indicating that the steel and paint may have reached temperatures in excess of 250 degrees C.”  Analysis of steel “microstructures show no evidence of exposure to temperatures above 600 degrees C for any significant time.”

In section 3.6 of the NIST report states: “NIST believes that this collection of steel from the WTC towers is adequate for purposes of the investigation.”

How did these truths get out? My explanation is that the NIST scientists, resentful of the threat to their jobs and future employment opportunities and chaffing under the order to produce a false report, revealed the coerced deception by including information that their political masters did not understand. By stating unequivocally the actual temperatures, NIST’s scientists put the lie to the coerced report.

The melting point of steel is around 1,500 degrees C. or 2,600 degrees F.  Steel can lose strength at lower temperatures, but the NIST scientists reported that only a small part of the steel was even subjected to moderate temperatures less than those obtained by the self-cleaning oven in your home.

If you need to think about this a bit more, obtain a copy of The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes. Have a look at the streetcar in photo 108. The caption reads: “The Hiroshima fireball instantly raised surface temperatures within a mile of the hypocenter well above 1,000 degrees F.”  Is the streetcar a melted lump of steel?  No, it is structurally intact, although blackened with burnt paint.

Washington would have you believe that steel that survived intact the atomic bomb would melt from low temperature, short lived, isolated office fires. What do you think of a government that believes that you are that stupid?

Who would support a government that lies every time it opens its mouth?

The three WTC buildings that were destroyed were massive heat sinks.  I doubt that the limited, short-lived, low temperature fires in the buildings even warmed the massive steel structures to the touch.

Moreover, not a single steel column melted or deformed from softening. The columns were severed at specific lengths by extremely high temperature charges placed on the columns. 

On this 12th anniversary of 9/11, ask yourself if you really want to believe that temperatures half those reached by your self-cleaning oven caused three massive steel structures to crumble into dust.

Then ask yourself why your government thinks you are so totally stupid as to believe such a fairy tale as your government has told you about 9/11.

domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013

Tokio 2020

Debo confesar que me alegré mucho por el triunfo de Japón. Tokio se lo ha ganado. Sin arrogancia. Sin bambolla. Han tenido el valor de asegurar que podían afrontar el enorme problema que confrontan en Fukushima, y que no ocultaron. Sus representantes fueron convincentes. No ganaron, convencieron. Inspiraron seguridad ante un desastre. Dieron una lección zen. De humildad. De lucha contra la adversidad. No necesitaron acartonadas intervenciones principescas (ellos tiene también heredero al trono). Ni dos metros de atleta del mundo mundial como mascarón de proa. Ni de una alcaldesa de desmesurada (y falsa) sonrisa. No, Madrid no ha perdido. Madrid es invencible. Que tomen nota los responsables de la comercialización chapucera de la "Marca España" (aborrezco tal engendro).Que se hagan un buen "harakiri", una  autocrítica ignaciana (Íñigo de Loyola, por si no les suena a los lectores de Hola).
 España no se vende. Sus ciudadanos no somos sus vasallos. Ni su mercancía. No nos representaron como nos merecíamos.  Y la verdad, para colmo, se descolocaron de mala manera con el fallo olímpico final. Que no derrota. Al Príncipe le temblaba la voz y, pobre con tantos estudios, no dijo nada. Los otros comparsas tampoco dijeron nada. No escuché una felicitación sonora a Tokio. No nos representan. Tal vez por eso los rechazaron tres veces los del COI. A ellos. Porque España, variopinta, multicultural y fuerte, es inmortal. Y de Madrid al cielo. Todos los gatos y gatas con Tokio. Madrid que bien resistes. No pasarán esos pobres de espíritu. Ánimo y al toro. Unas olimpiadas son un hito, pero no la vida. Amo Madrid.
Con Madrid hasta la victoria siempre

La conexión saudí en Siria

Saudi Arabia’s “Chemical Bandar” behind the Chemical Attacks in Syria?By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

He leído el presente artículo y me ha provocado numerosas dudas. Lo atribuyo a que mi postura es muy simplista: todo lo que provoque muertes de civiles inocentes y otras barbaridades que no se contabilizan, debería evitarse, a ser posible antes de que sucedan. La comunidad internacional (¿existe?) ha dejado que el conflicto Sirio, un enfrentamiento de la variopinta oposición armada con las fuerzas fieles al régimen gobernante, se enquiste hasta extremos insoportables. El uso de armas químicas suele afectar a la población civil, ya que la mayoría de las fuerzas armadas regulares (o bandas bien provistas), están dotadas de medios de detección y artículos protectores. La administración estadounidense no va a ahorrar ningún sufrimiento a la población civil siria con una quimérica intervención "limitada, específica etc, etc,". Prometen una especie de neurocirugía bélica. Vaya por delante que no comparto en su totalidad el contenido del post firmado por Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya. Su autor usa información a la que no he tenido acceso. Pero refuerza mi convicción de que una intervención militar en Siria demuestra la impotencia de Occidente. 
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Nothing the US claims about what happened in Syria adds up. We are being asked to believe an illogical story, when it is much more likely that it was Israel and Saudi Arabia who enabled the Obama Administration to threaten Syria with war.
The Obama Administration’s intelligence report on Syria was a rehash of Iraq. “There are lots of things that aren’t spelled out” in the four-page document, according to Richard Guthrie, the former project head of the Chemical and Biological Warfare Project of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. One piece of evidence is the alleged interception of Syrian government communications, but no transcripts were provided.
Just as with the Obama Administration’s speeches which all fall short of conclusively confirming what happened, nothing was categorically confirmed in the intelligence report. Actually it comes across more as a superficial college or university student’s paper put together by wordsmiths instead of genuine experts on the subject.
Going in a circle, the report even depends on “unnamed” social media and accounts as sources of evidence or data. Lacking transparency, it states that “there are accounts from international and Syrian medical personnel, videos, witness accounts, thousands of social media reports from at least 12 different locations in the Damascus area, journalist accounts and reports from highly credible non-governmental organizations.”
Chances are that these unnamed sources are actually foreign-funded insurgents, Israeli media, Saudi media, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights – which includes fighters in the ranks of the insurgency and salutes Saudi Arabia as a model democracy – or the NGO Doctors Without Borders. These are the same sources that have been supporting the insurgency and pushing for regime change and military intervention in Syria.
Moreover, one of the main sources of the intelligence and communication interceptions that are supposed to be a smoking gun is none other than Israel, which is notorious for doctoring and falsifying evidence.
The US intelligence report also claims to have advanced knowledge about the plans to launch a chemical weapons attack several days before it happened. A leading expert on chemical weapons, Jean Pascal Zanders, who until recently was a senior research fellow at the European Union’s Institute for Security Studies, asks why the US government did not tell the world about it and issue warnings about a chemical attack at that time.
An Israeli-Saudi-US conspiracy?
The US-supported anti-government forces fighting inside Syria are the ones that have a track record of using chemical weapons. Yet, Obama and company have said nothing.
Reuters / Loubna Mrie
Despite the anti-government forces accusations that the Syrian military launched a chemical weapon attack on Homs at Christmas in December 2012, CNN reported that the US military was training anti-government fighters with the securing and handling of chemical weapons. Under the name of theDestructive Wind Chemical Battalion, the insurgents themselves even threatened to use nerve gas and released a video where they killed rabbits as a demonstration of what they planned on doing in Syria.
According to the French newspaper Le Figaro, two brigades of anti-government fighters that were trained by the CIA, Israelis, Saudis, and Jordanians crossed from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan into Syria to launch an assault, respectively on August 17 and 19, 2013. The US must have invested quite a lot in training both anti-government brigades. If true, some may argue that their defeat prompted the chemical weapons attack in Damascus as a contingency plan to fall back on.
However, how they came by chemical weapons is another issue, but many trails lead to Saudi Arabia. According to the British Independent, it was Saudi Prince Bandar “that first alerted Western allies to the alleged use of sarin gas by the Syrian regime in February 2013.”  Turkey would apprehend Syrian militants in its territory with sarin gas, which these terrorists planned on using inside Syria. On July 22 the insurgents would also overrun Al-Assal and kill all the witnesses as part of a cover-up.
A report by Yahya Ababneh, which was contributed to by Dale Gavlak, has collected the testimonies of witnesses who say that  “certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the gas attack.”
The Mint Press News report adds an important dimension to the story, totally contradicting the claims of the US government. It quotes a female insurgent fighter who says things that make a link to Saudi Arabia clear. She says that those who provided them with weapons “didn’t tell them what these arms were or how to use them” and that they “didn’t know they were chemical weapons.” “When Saudi Prince Bandar gives such weapons to people, he must give them to those who know how to handle and use them,” she is quoted.
There is also another Saudi link in the report: “Abdel-Moneim said his son and 12 other rebels were killed inside a tunnel used to store weapons provided by a Saudi militant, known as Abu Ayesha, who was leading a fighting battalion. The father described the weapons as having a ‘tube-like structure’ while others were like a ‘huge gas bottle.’”
So it seems that the Saudis enabled the chemical attack while the Israelis provided them cover to ignite a full-scale war, or at the very least enable a bombing campaign against Damascus. Israel and Saudi Arabia have empowered the Obama Administration to threaten war on Syria.
Obama wants to change the balance of power in Syria
The moralistic language coming out of Washington is despicable posturing. The hypocrisy of the US government knows no bounds. It condemns the Syrian military for using cluster bombs while the United States sells them en mass to Saudi Arabia.
The UN inspectors entered Syria in the first place on the invitation of the government in Damascus. The Syrian government warned the UN for weeks that the anti-government militias were trying to use chemical weapons after they gained control of a chlorine factory east of Aleppo. As a precaution, the Syrian military consolidated all its chemical weapons into a handful of heavily guarded compounds to prevent the anti-government forces from reaching them. Yet, the insurgents launched a chemical weapon attack against the Syrian government’s forces in Khan Al-Assal on March 19, 2013. Turning the truth on its head, the insurgents and their foreign backers, including the US government, would try to blame the Syrian government for the chemical attack, but the UN’s investigator Carla Del Ponte would refute their claims as false in May after extensive work.
Concerning the alleged August attack the Obama Administration has been lying and contradicting itself for days. They say that traces of chemical weapons cannot be eliminated, but that the Syrian government destroyed that same evidence that cannot be eradicated. They want an investigation, but say they already have all the answers.
The claims that the Syrian government used chemical weapons in the suburb of Ghouta defy logic. Why would the Syrian government unnecessarily use chemical weapons in an area that it controls and shoot itself in the foot by presenting the US and its allies with a pretext to intervene? And of all the days it could unnecessarily use chemical weapons, the Obama administration wants us to believe that the Syrian government picked the day when United Nation inspectors arrived in Damascus.
Even the biased and misleading state-run British Broadcasting Corporation admitted that there was something strange about the event. The BBC’s  own “Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen says many will ask why the [Syrian] government would want to use such weapons at a time when [United Nations] inspectors are in the country and the military has been doing well militarily in the area around Damascus.”
The US is deliberately pointing the finger for the use of chemical weapons at the Syrian government.
American officials have a track record of lying to start wars against other countries. This has been the consistent modus operandi of the US from Vietnam to Yugoslavia, and from Iraq to Libya.
It is not Syria that is going against the international community, but the warmongers in Washington, which include the Obama Administration.
Washington is threatening to attack Syria as a means of prolonging the fighting inside Syria. The US government also wants to have a stronger hand in the country’s future negotiations by restoring the balance of power between the Syrian government and America’s anti-government insurgent allies, thus weakening the Syrian military and ending its winning momentum against the insurgency. If not softening Damascus up for the insurgents, America wants to level the equation and undermine the Syrian government before a final negotiation takes place.
Now is the time for the “responsibility to prevent war”—the real R2P—to come into play.

This article was originally published on RT.