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sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2013

My "Simpsons (foster) family

Al Jean, writer and producer of The Simpsons
Es Al Jean. El creador de "The Simpsons", que viene a ser como mi familia desde que di con ellos en los lejanos noventa. Adoro a Marge, a Lisa, Bart es el hijo que me hubiera gustado domesticar. Y Homer el tío más repelentemente tierno que he conocido (de forma virtual). Adoro al gato "Snow Ball I",  etc ya que siempre se muere. Le debo a Alan Jean momentos muy felices. Por eso en Xmas me daré un banquete simpsoniano. No son perfectos.Tal vez a veces se imitan a si mismos. Pero qué familia estadounidense no incurre en el aburrimiento.

Homer and Bart Simpson with celebrity guests including Ricky Gervais, Russell Brand and Halle Berry

"The show has tackled homosexuality several times, notably in a 2005 episode in which Springfield legalises same-sex weddings and Marge's sister, Patty, comes out as gay. Marge eventually accepts her. Homer, initially hostile, becomes a minister and erects a sign – "Will marry anyone to anything" – after discovering he can charge couples $200. Conservative groups complained, but it was the season's highest-rated show.
Government snooping is a recurring theme. In the 2010 episode To Surveil with Love, authorities suspend civil liberties after a radiation leak from Homer's gym bag. An English security consultant played by Eddie Izzard installs security cameras to spy on townspeople, prompting rebellion. They then learn they were being taped for a British reality TV show called American Oafs.
"I could see us doing something about phone-hacking," says Jean, unabashed that Murdoch newspapers are at the heart of the scandal. The mogul has voiced himself as a "billionaire tyrant" in two episodes. The writers have also poked fun at their own network. "We can push it pretty far," says Jean.
Revelations about NSA surveillance may generate fresh storylines, but Edward Snowden is unlikely to star after Julian Assange's trumpeted cameo for the 500th episode last year drew a disappointing audience. At least in cartoons, leakers have limited impact".

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