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domingo, 6 de abril de 2014

Comer sabroso y sano

Uno puede cuidarse sin padecer el "síndrome de comer a la fuerza", es decir,  la molesta sensación que hacer un sacrificio para alimentarse bien.
Los platos que he escogido los he probado. Para el desayuno prefiero un café muy flojo y cereal, avena con bebida de soja. Si me apetece agrego frutos secos variados, con al menos dos nueces. Las lentejas se preparan en puré, ensalada o en la sopita que se sugiere. Si las prefieren como ensalada con aceite de oliva y vinagre y algo de sal, están perfectas. Y el salmón es un comodín delicioso. Todas las sugerencias son amables con el sistema cardiovascular.

Un desayuno rico y sano
Shredded Wheat with a twist: pair a full-flavoured berry compote with toasted nuts and seeds, low-fat yoghurt and toasted Shredded Wheat.
This nutritious, tasty combination is a great start to any day.

La comida nutritiva y con un toque español: Lunch: Squash, lentil and ginger soup

Nutrient-packed and surprisingly filling, this butternut squash soup can be served with whole grain bread.
Did you know that pulses, such as lentils, count towards your "five-a-day"?

La cena de salmón :Dinner: Moroccan salmon with courgette tzatziki

Use coriander, cumin and paprika to make a lightly spiced crust for salmon fillets. Grill and serve with vegetable couscous, steamed beans and a cooling courgette tzatziki.
Oily fish, such as salmon, are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which may help protect against heart disease.

Bebidas: Drinks

Hydration is key to good health. Water, herbal and fruit teas and low-fat milk are all excellent. Fruit juice provides vitamin C, and counts as another step towards your "five-a-day".
Why not try a date and bannana smoothie?

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