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domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014

Every Day Sexism

En numerosas entradas he insistido en algunos asuntos con los que codondesastre está firmemente comprometido: la lucha contra la desigualdad de la mujer, frente al abuso legal que se practica en muchos países ricos y poderosos, mientras las naciones democráticas miran para otro lado. Las mujeres, en el siglo XXI, están/mos muy lejos de ocupar el sitio que nos/ les corresponde. Aquí va un extracto de un artículo de Laura Bates. Con mucho gusto enlazo con su website. Mi blog es un espejo activo de cualquier iniciativa a favor de la dignidad de la mujer. Codondesastre denuncia webs sexistas, trato degradante en los medios, o formas de explotación de menores. Y por supueso, crímenes como la violencia de género y la mutilación genital.

"I thought I'd take a look at the statistics. I found that in this supposedly "equal" society, with nothing left for women to want or fight for, they hold less than a quarter of seats in parliament, and only four out of 22 Cabinet positions. That just seven out of 38 Lord Justices of Appeal and 18 out of 108 High Court judges are female. That in 2010 it was reported that the National Gallery's collection of some 2,300 works contained paintings by only 10 women. That our Royal Society has never had a female president and just 5% of the current fellowship is made up of women. That women write only a fifth of front-page newspaper articles. That women directed just 5% of the 250 major films of 2011, down by nearly half from a paltry 9% in 1998. I found that on average more than two women are killed every week by a current or former partner, that there is a call to the police every minute about domestic violence, and that a woman is raped every six minutes – adding up to more than 85,000 rapes and 400,000 sexual assaults per year.I didn't for a moment think that the problem of sexism could be solved overnight. But nor did I see how we could even begin to tackle it while so many people continued to refuse to acknowledge that it existed. So, in April 2012, I started a simple website, everydaysexism.com"

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