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sábado, 4 de enero de 2014

Cool Cuba

Enero y febrero son meses ideales para viajar a uno de los países más atractivos del mundo. La recomendación que sigue es de "The Guardian". Encontrarán mucho y sorprendente donde quiera que vayan. Hay música contagiosa. La gente es hospitalaria y expansiva. Y sí, verán edificios en ruinas y calles llenas de baches, que parece que han sufrido un bombardeo. Pero ni un niño mendigo. Fíjense en los pequeños. De Cuba se dice de todo y en muchos caso por gente resentida y rabiosa. Comprueben personalmente lo que ocurre y cómo se vive allí. Recomiendo Air France, donde he comprobado el buen servicio y puntualidad. Iberia resultó una pesadilla. 
René Portocarrero "Las máscaras".


Colografía de Celia Irina Álvarez (2010)
"Go now before it changes" is the common refrain but Cuba is already changing. Legislation governing private enterprise is altering the visitor experience. Tourists have long been able to stay in a room in a private home – a casa particular – but now entire historic houses can be let. Suite Havana is a fantastic two-bedroom apartment with a roof terrace in Old Havana. Ydalgo's Penthouse, is a three-bedroom apartment owned by a designer, in the city's Vedado district – which also features chic Cafe Madrigal. Both accommodations are available through new operatorMiraviva, from about $250 a night. Casa particulares are changing too: kitsch homestays being superseded by stylish homes, such as beautiful Finca Kenia in Trinidad – a great spot to enjoy this year's 500th anniversary celebrations. "Now is a brilliant time to visit," says Charles Tyler of Miraviva. "You have the trappings of communism, with no advertising, and no McDonalds, no Starbucks and so on, but a better standard accommodation, really good food and new experiences."

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