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sábado, 28 de diciembre de 2013

Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year

No he conseguido resistirme a la tentación de palabras llamativas, casi perlas linguísticas, para el prestigioso Oxford Dictionaries. Muchos de tales famosos palabros (no son insultos eh), han nacido on line, han crecido y se han reproducido. Algunas son muy ingeniosas como "sharknado", para designar un tornado fenomenal. Una joyita variopinta resulta "selfie". 
Aunque no pertenezco a la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (que pule, limpia y da esplendor a nuestro bello idioma) como reconozco ser una marisabidilla (lean Quevedo en caso de no enterarse), yo solita y conmigo he seleccionado algunos de los vocablos que han estado presentes en la lengua (afilada como la mía) de muchos  españoles/as: crisis, con distintos adjetivos acompañantes (jodida, prolongada), paro, (que dice el Spanish King que le quita el sueño (?), prima de riesgo, que nadie sabe qué es pero que nos fastidia y cómo, corrupción, políticos sinvergüenzas, Bárcenas, aborto (que no es sinónimo de interrupción de embarazo sino de una normativa retrógrada), mareas de diferentes colores, que son manifestaciones ciudadanas pacíficas contra los recortes sociales, y por último, the last but not the least, I I A independencia a a a, que tiene que ver con Cataluña (o de forma cariñosa y felina CAT & UÑA), bueno, si les parece  vayan por YouTube y escuchen la versión catalana independentista del Fum Fum Fum.
 Les deseo lo mejor en 2014 a todas/os los generosos visitantes de codondesastre.

Edición de 1941 del "Ulysses" 
"Oh hi, is that a selfie of you twerking in the middle of a sharknado? Such is the pleasurable speed of linguistic invention that this perfectly normal sentence would have been incomprehensible to most people only a year ago. The word "selfie" first appeared in an Australian online forum in 2002, but this was the year it earned the title of Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year. Oxford's editors also admired the word's fecund capacity for variation: a "shelfie" is a picture of your shelves, a "drelfie" a picture of you while drunk and a "belfie" is a picture of your arse.
Speaking of arses, a strong challenger to "selfie" was "twerk", a verb that was thrust to prominence by Miley Cyrus's remarkable performance at the MTV video music awards in August. Oxford speculates that it is "probably an alteration of work". I am no expert, but it seems to me more plausibly a portmanteau of "twist" and "jerk".
Some new or unusual words see topical spikes in popularity then die away again. You can probably guess why "papabile" (Pope-worthy) became briefly common in February and March. "Sharknado", an excellent term for a tornado on the winds of which are borne live sharks, spiked in July around the release of a cable TV movie of that name, though the word was actually coined two years ago by an American high-school Latin teacher, Mike Kubik, as an awe-inspiring name for the lacrosse team he coached.
Not mentioned by the Oxford editors (or yet in their dictionary) is "listicle". This term, which has seen a strong increase in Google searches this year, describes an article in the form of a numbered list. I'm told that it reminds some dirty-minded readers of testicle, but if the burgeoning prevalence of listicles online is any indication, it's one to keep in your pocket.
A different emphasis on linguistic fashion is provided by Merriam-Webster, which nominated "science" as its word of the year: people looked it up in their dictionary nearly three times more often than in 2012. The editors pointed out that a lot of major political issues involve science, and suggested that the critical kickings given to Malcolm Gladwell's latest book might also be relevant. An army of Breaking Badbinge-watchers joyously responded in the style of their beloved Jesse: "Science, bitch!"

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