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lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

Al Qaeda hace pupa a USA

El NYT abre hoy con una información curiosa. Resulta que el espionaje practicado por AlQaeda contra Estados Unidos en agosto pasado ha causado más daño que todos los chivatazos de Snowden juntos, los Leaks de Wiki, y hasta los lloriqueos de la soldado Manning (que cantó la Traviata sobre el ametrallamiento a civiles). Pues bueno, que quieren que les diga. Una es desconfiada y mal pensada. Afirman que AlQaeda le hace pupa a Estados Unidos. Esa entidad malévola que como las categorías platónicas es el enemigo. Yo dudo que exista un único enemigo. Que reciba tal nombre. Claro que hay tribus, clanes, grupos variopintos, más o menos familias, unidos más o menos por el islamismo (o por sus sectas, que son diferentes) dispuestos a combatir a Estados Unidos. Pero la propaganda estadounidense pretende que uno comulgue con semejante rueda de molino. Pobrecitos, víctimas inocentes. A ver si espabilan de una vez y usan la inteligencia. Que dejen de montar guerras por el oro negro. Total: El destino de las mujeres afganas no va a ser mejor gracias a su invasión. Seguirán igual de postergadas. Ni siquiera ciudadanas de segunda clase. Les dejo algunos comentarios.
    • John Bergstrom
    • Boston, MA
    NYT Pick
    Once we learned about the embassy-bombing plot, it would have been tricky to respond to it without compromising our sources. As soon as we closed the embassies, the plotters would have started to figure out how we learned about the plot. This has always been a problem for code-breakers and their employers.
      • tkdblkblt
      • Madison, WI
      That 'leak" was from the Obama admin to make the admin look like it was on top of things.
        • mery
        • canada
        i think AMERICA gvernment generated Al Qaeda
          • Bertha
          • Dallas, TX
          Who can believe anything from NSA, Clapper, Alexander, et al in the spying business. If their methodologies were foolproof and this one leak was the spoiler, why then did Westgate in Nairobi materialize after "months of planning" by Al Shabab?
            • Todd
            • Kansas City, MO
            My issue with the NSA is clearly not resolved. They assume no responsibility for any of their actions. The fallout with Brazil is Snowden's fault? What a load of garbage. It's the NSA's fault, period! Own it and accept it. That will greatly assist in the healing process that needs to take place. This denial of responsibility is doing no one any good at all.
              • Alexander K.
              • Minnesota
              One successful terrorist attack on the US soil, and all the outrage about NSA snooping will be over. Human psychology.
                • rpg
                • Montana USA
                People haven't trusted our intelligence since Vietnam, remember? And our view of our military is as polarized & latent. I have met people with baby killer & war criminal on their lips, just waiting, hoping. The problem is, most Americans are clueless to the perverse violence wished & put upon us - because we support Israel, or we let our women vote or simply our faith. Nothing we do, ever will change this hatred. It took only one war, just 18 months or being an infantryman in Iraq, to realize everything my Marxist professors & John Lennon told me were harmful lies, that just might get us killed.

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