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miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013

Misoginia aguda

Como todo el mundo sabe, "misoginia" significa odio a la mujer, rechazo a lo femenino. Se da en todas las civilizaciones. Hasta en las que se precian de civilizadas. Y en algunas, cuasi feudales, está firmemente institucionalizada y sacralizada. El texto que viene a continuación es de Polly Toybeen de  "The Guardian", a propósito de un caso judicial en el que, al parecer, Su Señoría se dejó llevar por su abominación de las mujeres. La acusada tiene 13 años. Según Toybeen el odio a las mujeres es tan profundo que a veces se ceba hasta en criaturas que han sufrido abusos. Las formas de misoginia son muy variadas: desde la pornografía denigrante hasta la desigualdad en los salarios, las bromas obscenas, el ninguneo laboral o las faltas de respeto dentro del hogar. 
"Of course I don't mean all men - we all may have brothers, lovers, sons, fathers, colleagues and friends who are not women-haters at all. The point is the prevailing wind of misogyny still blowing through everything, that erupts in public with cases like this so you can see it spelled out loud and clear. It sustains women's lower pay and the objectifying of women - often very young - in the pictures of them or in the porn read by men and young boys that makes girls shave their public hair for fear of being thought disgusting for not fitting the porn imagery. Girls are bullied for their looks, called slags if they act like boys. You know, don't you, how the wind blows hard against women still.

Child are innocent - in law and in moral thinking. That doesn't mean they are all nice and good. Listen to any playground to hear the spite and bullying they inflict on one another. Nor are women nicer than men - they are often collaborators in other women's oppression. What I mean here is an institutional misogyny, a default position, underlying assumptions and prejudices that surface less often in public than they did because it's less socially acceptable than it was - ( a good thing too). But it lurks. You only have to look at the domestic violence figures - two dead women a week - to see the under-currents. No, I don't belong to the 'all men are rapists' school - but I do think society is institutionally instinctively misogynist."

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