Como es finde y ya he publicado bastantes asuntos muy tristes (van 15 muertes en las aguas fronterizas a España y Marruecos, "negros, pobres e indocumentados", que ha dicho un político español, "una flagrante violación de los derechos humanos", según Cayo Lara de IU, y algo que hay que estudiar mucho para evitarlo racionalmente, con recursos, acuerdos internacionales e implicación de la UE), pues eso. Aquí va algo que me ha gustado. Molan. Ni publicidad encubierta ni narices. Si lo fuera se los diría. Buen finde. |
Páginas vistas
sábado, 15 de febrero de 2014
Me molan mucho
Tania, "la guerrillera", regresa a Cuba
Pertenencias de Haydeé Tamara Bunke (revolucionaria argentino-alemana que participó en la guerrilla del Che en Bolivia) se entregaron al Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos (ICAP) por el político alemán Hans Modrow, quien lo hizo en nombre de la organización alemana, "Cubasí".
Antes de morir, Nadia Bunke, de soltera Bider, alemana de origen polaco y judía, madre de Haydeé Tamara Bunke, dejó en manos de esa entidad ciertos objetos de su hija. Esta organización las ha donado al ICAP, organismo cubano en el que en los años sesenta colaboró Tamara Bunke, antes de integrarse al Ministerio de Interior cubano para recibir entrenamiento como combatiente y agente especializada en inteligencia y contra inteligencia.
Su uniforme de campaña, un block de notas, un cuaderno escolar, una placa de bronce, fotografías, cartas y otros documentos se encuentran entre las pertenencias de la joven revolucionaria donadas al ICAP.
Al acto asistió José Ramón Balaguer, jefe del Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba.
Haydeé Tamara Bunke Bider está enterrada en Santa Clara, Cuba.
Haydeé Tamara Bunke Bider está enterrada en Santa Clara, Cuba.
"Women as freakish androgynes":Mary Beard
España, los países latinos, son muy machistas. La paridad entre géneros está lejana. Y vaya un botón de muestra: el hermoso y florido castellano se encuentra plagado de formas y usos ofensivos respecto a las féminas. Si usted se refiere a un hombre público puede pensar en Rajoy, presidente del Gobierno español. Si alude a una mujer pública resulta un pendón verbenero, es decir, una mujer "que se enrolla con cualquiera". Si se fijan en los portales hispanos, a las mujeres se nos trata de "mami", "titi", "ricura", "reina", etc. Yahoo, ese emporio cultural universal, exhibe cuerpos femeninos en términos que en realidad son culos, tetas, escotes, piernas vertiginosas, cambios de look, grasa corporal, carne. Ridiculiza sistemáticamente a muchas mujeres que piensan. Odian a otras como a la señora Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, contra la que, sin motivos claros, desarrolla una verdadera manía. En Yahoo no se permiten desnudos artísticos, ni fotos de madres dando de mamar a sus hijos, pero se usa el pecho de la mujer como objeto de observación masculina.
Desgraciadamente los medios de comunicación no contribuyen a mejorar la presencia femenina y su representación. Recuerdo que "ABC", que es periódico español de mucha solera, publicó en primera una foto de Merkel en bañador. No se atreven a hacerlo digamos, con otras personalidades.
"Las mujeres que quieren hacer escuchar su voz son tratadas como marimachos raros" (traducción libre y castiza de freakish androgynes), afirma la catedrática y académica británica Mary Beard.
Beard ha sido víctima de acoso en la red por parte elementos maliciosos.
Highlighting the lack of the voice of expertise from women outside "the traditional spheres of women's sexual interests", the Cambridge academic Mary Beard has said: "To put it another way, for a female MP to be minister of women or of education or health is a very different thing from being chancellor of the exchequer.
"Across the board we still seem resistant of female encroachment into traditional male territory, whether that is the abuse hurled at Jacqui Oatley for having the nerve to stray from the netball court for becoming the first woman commentator on Match of the Day, or what can get meted out to women who appear on Question Time."
(Con información de Debra Hurford)
viernes, 14 de febrero de 2014
The Threat of World War III
Absurdities and Atrocities: The Threat of World War III
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, February 13, 2014
Ni recomiendo ni rechazo el texto del profesor Michel Chossudovsky: me proporcionó información. Me hizo pensar, que ya es algo. El panorama en Irán parece haber cambiado. Pero la inestabilidad de otras regiones del planeta es real. El culto al uso de la fuerza tampoco es un artefacto teórico de un estudioso nada dado a la fantasía catastrofista.
Url of this article:
Throughout the history of mankind there have been murderers and tyrants; and while it may seem momentarily that they have the upper hand, they have always fallen. (Mahatma Gandhi)
The United States has discarded pretensions to international legality and decency, and embarked on a course of raw imperialism run amok. (William Rockler, Nuremberg Tribunal prosecutor)
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. (François-Marie Arouet – Voltaire, 1694-1778)
Look inside “Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War“, the E-Book by Michel Chossudovsky:
The US and its NATO allies are preparing to launch a nuclear war directed against both Iran and North Korea with devastating consequences. This military adventure in the real sense of the word threatens the future of humanity. While one can conceptualize the loss of life and destruction resulting from present-day wars including Iraq and Afghanistan, it is impossible to fully comprehend the devastation which might result from a Third World War, using “new technologies” and advanced weapons, until it occurs and becomes a reality. The international community has endorsed nuclear war in the name of world peace. “Making the world safer” is the justification for launching a military operation which could potentially result in a nuclear holocaust.
But nuclear holocausts are not front page news! In the words of Mordechai Vanunu:
“The Israeli government is preparing to use nuclear weapons in its next war with the Islamic world. Here where I live, people often talk of the Holocaust. But each and every nuclear bomb is a Holocaust in itself. It can kill, devastate cities, destroy entire peoples.”[1]
Realities are turned upside down. In a twisted logic, a “humanitarian war” using tactical nuclear weapons, which according to “expert scientific opinion” are “harmless to the surrounding civilian population” is upheld as a means to protecting the Western world from a nuclear attack.
The Cult of Killing and Destruction
The global killing machine is also sustained by an imbedded cult of killing and destruction which pervades Hollywood movies, not to mention the primetime war and crime TV series on network television. This cult of killing is endorsed by the CIA and the Pentagon which also support (finance) Hollywood productions as an instrument of war propaganda:
“Ex-CIA agent Bob Baer told us, “There’s a symbiosis between the CIA and Hollywood” and revealed that former CIA director George Tenet is currently, “out in Hollywood, talking to studios.””[2]
The killing machine is deployed at a global level, within the framework of the unified combat command structure. It is routinely upheld by the institutions of government, the corporate media, the mandarins and intellectuals of the New World Order in Washington’s think tanks and strategic studies research institutes, as an unquestioned instrument of peace and global prosperity.
A culture of killing and violence has become imbedded in human consciousness. War is broadly accepted as part of a societal process: the Homeland needs to be “defended” and protected. “Legitimized violence” and extrajudicial killings directed against “terrorists” are upheld in western democracies, as necessary instruments of national security. A “huma – nitarian war” is upheld by the so-called international community. It is not condemned as a criminal act. Its main architects are rewarded for their contributions to world peace.
America’s Mini-nukes
With regard to Iran, what is unfolding is the outright legitimization of war in the name of an illusive notion of global security. America’s mininukes, with an explosive capacity of up to six times a Hiroshima bomb, are upheld as a humanitarian bomb, whereas Iran’s nonexistent nuclear weapons are branded as an indisputable threat to global security.
When a US-sponsored nuclear war becomes an “instrument of peace”, condoned and accepted by the world’s institutions and the highest authority, including the United Nations, there is no turning back: human society has indelibly been precipitated headlong onto the path of self-destruction.
We are at a dangerous crossroads: the rules and guidelines governing the use of nuclear weapons have been “liberalized” (i.e. “deregulated” in relation to those prevailing during the Cold War era). The new doctrine states that Command, Control and Coordination (CCC) regarding the use of nuclear weapons should be “flexible”, allowing geographic combat commanders to decide if and when to use nuclear weapons:
“Geographic combat commanders would be in charge of Theater Nuclear Operations (TNO), with a mandate not only to implement but also to formulate command decisions pertaining to nuclear weapons.”[3]
We have reached a critical turning point in our history. It is absolutely essential that people across the land, nationally and internationally, understand the gravity of the present situation and act forcefully against their governments to reverse the tide of war.
The details of ongoing war preparations in relation to Iran and North Korea have been withheld from the public eye and the media is involved in acts of camouflage. The devastating impacts of a nuclear war are either trivialized or not mentioned. Instead, fake “crises” – e.g. a worldwide flu pandemic, a “false flag” nuclear attack by “Islamic terro rists” – are fabricated by the media, the governments, the intelligence apparatus and the Washington think tanks. While the real danger of nuclear war is barely acknowledged, these fake crises are invariably front page news.
A Third World War is no longer a hypothetical scenario. Already in 2007, President Bush hinted in no uncertain terms that if Iran did not comply with US demands, the US-NATO military might “reluctantly” be forced into in a World War III situation:
“We got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel. So I’ve told people that if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon. I take the threat of Iran with a nuclear weapon very seriously...” (George W. Bush, 17 October 2007)
1. See interview with Mordechai Vanunu, Glob al Research, December 2005,
2. Matthew Alford and Robbie Graham, “Lights, Camera, Covert Action: The Deep Politics of Hollywood”, Global Research, January 31, 2009,
3. Joint Chiefs of Staff, “Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations”, Joint Publication 3-12, Washington DC, March 2005,
Order your pdf of this important book from Global Research here
E-Book Series No. 1.0
Global Research Publishers
Montreal, 2011. ISBN 978-0-9737147-3-9
76 pages (8.5×11)
Tables, color photographs, maps, text boxes.
Active hyperlinks to major references in the text, hyperlinked footnotes.
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, February 13, 2014
Ni recomiendo ni rechazo el texto del profesor Michel Chossudovsky: me proporcionó información. Me hizo pensar, que ya es algo. El panorama en Irán parece haber cambiado. Pero la inestabilidad de otras regiones del planeta es real. El culto al uso de la fuerza tampoco es un artefacto teórico de un estudioso nada dado a la fantasía catastrofista.
Url of this article:
Throughout the history of mankind there have been murderers and tyrants; and while it may seem momentarily that they have the upper hand, they have always fallen. (Mahatma Gandhi)
The United States has discarded pretensions to international legality and decency, and embarked on a course of raw imperialism run amok. (William Rockler, Nuremberg Tribunal prosecutor)
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. (François-Marie Arouet – Voltaire, 1694-1778)
Look inside “Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War“, the E-Book by Michel Chossudovsky:
The US and its NATO allies are preparing to launch a nuclear war directed against both Iran and North Korea with devastating consequences. This military adventure in the real sense of the word threatens the future of humanity. While one can conceptualize the loss of life and destruction resulting from present-day wars including Iraq and Afghanistan, it is impossible to fully comprehend the devastation which might result from a Third World War, using “new technologies” and advanced weapons, until it occurs and becomes a reality. The international community has endorsed nuclear war in the name of world peace. “Making the world safer” is the justification for launching a military operation which could potentially result in a nuclear holocaust.
But nuclear holocausts are not front page news! In the words of Mordechai Vanunu:
“The Israeli government is preparing to use nuclear weapons in its next war with the Islamic world. Here where I live, people often talk of the Holocaust. But each and every nuclear bomb is a Holocaust in itself. It can kill, devastate cities, destroy entire peoples.”[1]
Realities are turned upside down. In a twisted logic, a “humanitarian war” using tactical nuclear weapons, which according to “expert scientific opinion” are “harmless to the surrounding civilian population” is upheld as a means to protecting the Western world from a nuclear attack.
The Cult of Killing and Destruction
The global killing machine is also sustained by an imbedded cult of killing and destruction which pervades Hollywood movies, not to mention the primetime war and crime TV series on network television. This cult of killing is endorsed by the CIA and the Pentagon which also support (finance) Hollywood productions as an instrument of war propaganda:
“Ex-CIA agent Bob Baer told us, “There’s a symbiosis between the CIA and Hollywood” and revealed that former CIA director George Tenet is currently, “out in Hollywood, talking to studios.””[2]
The killing machine is deployed at a global level, within the framework of the unified combat command structure. It is routinely upheld by the institutions of government, the corporate media, the mandarins and intellectuals of the New World Order in Washington’s think tanks and strategic studies research institutes, as an unquestioned instrument of peace and global prosperity.
A culture of killing and violence has become imbedded in human consciousness. War is broadly accepted as part of a societal process: the Homeland needs to be “defended” and protected. “Legitimized violence” and extrajudicial killings directed against “terrorists” are upheld in western democracies, as necessary instruments of national security. A “huma – nitarian war” is upheld by the so-called international community. It is not condemned as a criminal act. Its main architects are rewarded for their contributions to world peace.
America’s Mini-nukes
With regard to Iran, what is unfolding is the outright legitimization of war in the name of an illusive notion of global security. America’s mininukes, with an explosive capacity of up to six times a Hiroshima bomb, are upheld as a humanitarian bomb, whereas Iran’s nonexistent nuclear weapons are branded as an indisputable threat to global security.
When a US-sponsored nuclear war becomes an “instrument of peace”, condoned and accepted by the world’s institutions and the highest authority, including the United Nations, there is no turning back: human society has indelibly been precipitated headlong onto the path of self-destruction.
We are at a dangerous crossroads: the rules and guidelines governing the use of nuclear weapons have been “liberalized” (i.e. “deregulated” in relation to those prevailing during the Cold War era). The new doctrine states that Command, Control and Coordination (CCC) regarding the use of nuclear weapons should be “flexible”, allowing geographic combat commanders to decide if and when to use nuclear weapons:
“Geographic combat commanders would be in charge of Theater Nuclear Operations (TNO), with a mandate not only to implement but also to formulate command decisions pertaining to nuclear weapons.”[3]
We have reached a critical turning point in our history. It is absolutely essential that people across the land, nationally and internationally, understand the gravity of the present situation and act forcefully against their governments to reverse the tide of war.
The details of ongoing war preparations in relation to Iran and North Korea have been withheld from the public eye and the media is involved in acts of camouflage. The devastating impacts of a nuclear war are either trivialized or not mentioned. Instead, fake “crises” – e.g. a worldwide flu pandemic, a “false flag” nuclear attack by “Islamic terro rists” – are fabricated by the media, the governments, the intelligence apparatus and the Washington think tanks. While the real danger of nuclear war is barely acknowledged, these fake crises are invariably front page news.
A Third World War is no longer a hypothetical scenario. Already in 2007, President Bush hinted in no uncertain terms that if Iran did not comply with US demands, the US-NATO military might “reluctantly” be forced into in a World War III situation:
“We got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel. So I’ve told people that if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon. I take the threat of Iran with a nuclear weapon very seriously...” (George W. Bush, 17 October 2007)
1. See interview with Mordechai Vanunu, Glob al Research, December 2005,
2. Matthew Alford and Robbie Graham, “Lights, Camera, Covert Action: The Deep Politics of Hollywood”, Global Research, January 31, 2009,
3. Joint Chiefs of Staff, “Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations”, Joint Publication 3-12, Washington DC, March 2005,
Order your pdf of this important book from Global Research here
E-Book Series No. 1.0
Global Research Publishers
Montreal, 2011. ISBN 978-0-9737147-3-9
76 pages (8.5×11)
Tables, color photographs, maps, text boxes.
Active hyperlinks to major references in the text, hyperlinked footnotes.
Spanish exclave tragedy
Interior Minister Jorge Fernández Díaz acknowledged on Thursday that Civil Guard officers fired their anti-riot weapons last week in Ceuta when hundreds of migrants charged a border crossing between the exclave and Morocco. But, the minister added, the civil guards used the amount of force which was “strictly necessary” to stop a desperate attempt to reach Spanish territory.
Twelve bodies have been recovered after many of the sub-Saharan migrants ran into the sea in an attempt to swim or wade around a seawall marking the border. As many as 15 are believed to have died in the crush.
Speaking in Congress, Fernández Díaz defended the security force’s actions, calling them “proportional,” and explaining that it was in response to “the belligerent behavior” of the migrants. However, he said the police used their weapons in a “dissuasive” manner, claiming that no one had been killed as a result of their response.
The tragedy took place on February 6, when about 300 people jumped into the water at the exclave’s crossing at Tarajal.
No migrant was hit by the rubber bullets that were fired by police, the minister said. In fact, he said, police had helped some two dozen migrants reach safety in the Spanish exclave.
The minister appeared before the congressional Interior Committee at his own behest, even though the Socialists, Izquierda Plural, Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD) and Mixed Group parliamentarians had demanded explanations.
Civil Guard chief Arsenio Fernández de Mesa met with officers in Ceuta on Wednesday, and described their actions as “impecable".
Twelve bodies have been recovered after many of the sub-Saharan migrants ran into the sea in an attempt to swim or wade around a seawall marking the border. As many as 15 are believed to have died in the crush.
Speaking in Congress, Fernández Díaz defended the security force’s actions, calling them “proportional,” and explaining that it was in response to “the belligerent behavior” of the migrants. However, he said the police used their weapons in a “dissuasive” manner, claiming that no one had been killed as a result of their response.
The tragedy took place on February 6, when about 300 people jumped into the water at the exclave’s crossing at Tarajal.
No migrant was hit by the rubber bullets that were fired by police, the minister said. In fact, he said, police had helped some two dozen migrants reach safety in the Spanish exclave.
The minister appeared before the congressional Interior Committee at his own behest, even though the Socialists, Izquierda Plural, Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD) and Mixed Group parliamentarians had demanded explanations.
Civil Guard chief Arsenio Fernández de Mesa met with officers in Ceuta on Wednesday, and described their actions as “impecable".
jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014
Facebook te mata
La policía española es muy eficiente en la detección de cierto tipo de delitos que se practican con utilización (malévola) de las llamadas redes sociales. Les comento un caso reciente.
Resulta que un sujeto, hombre y mayor de edad, invitaba a jóvenes a que le suministraran fotos suyas sexis o pornos. Supongo que, aparte de deleitarse en la contemplación del material gráfico gratuito, una vez provisto con los datos personales que los menores le facilitaban, pues el tipejo les amenazaba con colgar sus posturitas destapadas en la red. Para que no lo hiciera debían acceder a encuentros íntimos. Un chantaje burdo, vamos. Algunos implicados mordieron el anzuelo, por miedo o tal vez vergüenza. O puede que hasta les fuera el rollo, vaya a usted a saber. Pero otros denunciaron. Y al delincuente se le terminó el chollo.
La verdad es que nada de lo que sucede en la red es privado. Parafraseando, mal y pronto, la Biblia: "no hay nada oculto bajo el sol digital". Destaparse en cualquier portal de Internet tiene muchos riesgos, aparte de ser una ordinariez suprema. Intentar ligar, hacer amigos, relacionarse, pues erre que erre. Poner información personal sensible en manos de extraños/as es una profunda tontería. Desfogarse en Twitter, inconveniente. En tan pocas palabras se puede meter bastante la pata. Los servicios de e-mail tampoco son seguros.
Describo un caso de estupidez digital significativa. Resulta que a una mujer española se le ocurrió, ni más ni menos, que animar desde una red social a que, "alguien le pegara un tiro en la nuca a Rajoy" (actual presidente español). La tipa incluso anunció que se iba a "tatuar el careto" del perpetrador del asesinato. Pues, sí, la pillaron a la muy tonta. Y me alegro.
Tengo una única experiencia de información maliciosa recibida en mi correo. Me llegaron unas fotos de fetos. La tapadera era una supuesta ONG que realizaba una campaña anti-abortista. Sin dificultad logré determinar de dónde provenía la iniciativa. Lo que querían era dinero, claro. El cebo: combatir el aborto y ayudar a las madres. Informé a la policía española y me desentendí del asunto.
Facebook, como todo el mundo y su hermano pequeña debería saber, es ante todo una empresa próspera. Cotiza en bolsa. Su producto estrella, la materia prima, proviene de la millonaria información que sus usuarios cuelgan voluntariamente en el portal.
Si mi permiten el tuteo: tú eres la base de Facebook. Facebook pone un servicio global de procesamiento de datos. Los datos son su tesoro. Los suministra a los anunciantes. También los comparte, por ley, con la Administración estadounidense en circunstancias de presunta persecución de delitos.
Muchos usuarios de Internet experimentan como una necesidad vital el figurar en Facebook. Opino que tal mezcla de narcisimo y memez puede llegar a ser peligrosa. El artículo que viene a continuación no es original. Ni descubre nada. Se lo recomiendo a quienes están pensando "apuntarse" a Facebook. Lo prometo: hay cierta vida fuera de Facebook.
Tampoco es imprescindible soltar muchas tonterías en Blogger. Ojo con las alusiones a otras personas.
Uso Blogger pero sigo tres normas:
1) Pienso al menos media hora antes de darle a "Publicar". Y si luego releo y tengo que eliminar la entrada lo hago. No se pierde nada.
2) Doy la cara. Asumo la responsabilidad de lo que publico.
3) No uso Facebook. Que ellos hagan su trabajo.
"Este febrero, la mayor red social del globo, Facebook, cumplió diez años con más de 1 200 millones de usuarios activos e ingresos cercanos a los ocho mil millones de dólares.
La información personal que recopila de sus clientes y la publicidad que se genera con esos datos, es la principal fuente de ganancias de la red social más popular del mundo, según afirman los expertos.
Facebook lo sabe todo de sus usuarios: la edad, la ubicación, el estado civil, los estudios que han cursado, y también, gracias al botón "me gusta" (una función que permite al cliente seleccionar lo que le parece más interesante dentro de la red social), sus gustos y preferencias.
Pero además conoce otros datos menos obvios, y esta información la consigue a través de lo que las personas escriben en sus publicaciones, los contenidos que comparten e incluso las veces que pasan el cursor por encima de una imagen concreta.
La idea es muy sencilla. Quien conozca tu género preferido de lectura, tus películas y series favoritas, tu equipo de fútbol, tu tiempo de ocio durante el fin de semana, tiene un poder tremendo sobre ti, que o bien lo puede utilizar o vendérselo a un tercero.
"Saben más sobre tus gustos y preferencias que cualquier otra empresa de la historia", dijo Nate Elliott, analista de redes sociales de la firma de investigación Forrester.
Su principal objetivo es averiguar cómo hacer que sus clientes anunciantes se beneficien de esta información, y cómo hacerlo sin afectar directamente a su base de usuarios.
Además, para conseguir un registro de la actividad fuera de Facebook, la red social coopera con empresas de recolección de datos como búsquedas por Internet o compras con tarjetas de crédito para generar perfiles de cada persona o grupo de personas.
"Es una de las herramientas más potentes que tenemos", dijo citado por la CNN, Molly McCarty, que utiliza Facebook para publicar anuncios dedicados a sus clientes.
Todo este sistema está respaldado en un marco legal que los usuarios aceptan des-de el momento en que se inscriben de manera gratuita y permiten el uso de su información por parte de terceros.
Si bien Facebook, al ser la más grande, es un buen ejemplo de cómo funcionan en la actualidad las redes sociales, otras más pequeñas tienen mecanismos similares, como puede ser el caso de Twitter o Linkedin. También el gigante de las búsquedas, Google, vende o negocia con la información que posee en sus centros de datos.
De hecho, la venta directa del acceso al big data, como se le llama a los millones de gigabytes que están guardados en los servidores de las principales compañías de Internet, es un servicio cada vez más importante para otras empresas de la economía real que pueden ganar miles de millones de dólares con esa información.
Los especialistas coinciden en que el impacto de las redes sociales ha sido positivo en cuanto a interconectar a las personas. Sin embargo, a veces se olvida que Internet está inmersa también en la lógica del mercado y el capitalismo con formas mucho más sutiles y efectivas que las tradicionales.
Cada vez que un usuario sube una foto personal, le dedica un "me gusta" a una página en específico o simplemente comenta con el mundo cómo se siente ese día, puede estar echando a andar la caja registradora de una empresa al otro lado del planeta". (Con información de Granma Internacional)
miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014
Ciudadanos de EEUU con Cuba
De acuerdo con los resultados de una encuesta del observatorio de opinión estadounidense "Atlantic Council" —uno de los más prestigiosos de Estados Unidos—, el 56 % de los estadounidenses consultados favorece un "cambio" de la política respecto a Cuba.
Asimismo, en el estado de Florida, la cifra de personas favorables a una normalización de las relaciones con la isla caribeña es mayor aún que la media nacional, con un 63 %.
La semana pasada, el ex gobernador de ese estado, Charlie Crist, quien aspira nuevamente para el puesto, calificó al bloqueo a Cuba como una "reliquia ineficaz".
"Los dos partidos están listos para un cambio", sostuvo al presentar el informe el presidente del Atlantic Council, Frederick Kempe.
US Military in Africa
US Military Intervention in Africa: The East African Response Force, A Creation of the Pentagon
By Abayomi Azikiwe
Voy a mezclar, con criterio bastante descabalado, un comentario propio sobre un dramático suceso ocurrido en España y el artículo original de Abatomi Azikiwe. Si tienen la generosidad de leer dos o tres líneas trataré de no aburriros con mi asunto. De no ser así, pues vayan directo a la pieza de Azikiwe. En sus comentarios va un atisbo de las guerras africanas de Estados Unidos, de acuerdo a su personal parecer.
Yo voy a lo mío. Una vez comprobada en Google la situación de Ceuta, ubicada en el norte de África, se notará que funciona como frontera de la EU con África. Con todas sus complejas consecuencias. Es la auténtica Marca España en el sentido de fin. Como la de cualquier país, nuestra frontera africana se encuentra protegida por la policía española y por la Benemérita (Guardia Civil). Su trabajo es duro y complejo. Me atrevería a decir que hacen falta muchas cualidades y habilidades para sacarlo adelante.
El jueves de la semana pasada se produjo un asalto masivo de hombres desde el lado marroquí. Hasta 15 de tales personas perecieron ahogadas al intentar alcanzar la costa española a nado. El asunto suscitó críticas a la actuación de las fuerzas de seguridad españolas por parte de algunas ONG´s. No me ocupo de las dirigidas contra otras instancias y gobiernos.
He leído con atención un informe de la organización estadounidense Human Rights Watch. También he analizado el vídeo que hizo público la Guardia Civil. Me tomé la molestia de mirar con detenimiento muchas fotos de los sucesos publicadas por diferentes medios. Hasta que no cuente con la declaración del Ministro de Interior español, pues la verdad, lo que lo único que he sacado en limpio es que la policía española y la Guardia Civil, necesitan nuevos y mejores medios que los que se aprecian de visu. Con lo que cuentan, con lo que se puede ver que tienen, poco o nada pueden hacer, teniendo en cuenta la magnitud de su tarea.
Opino que tanto la UE como otras naciones implicadas deberían financiar generosamente la dotación tecnológica necesaria para que las fronteras (todas) se conviertan en territorios de seguridad y paz.
El término "drones" se asocia con su conocido uso militar para bombardear poblaciones civiles. Pero son artefactos perfectos para tareas de vigilancia por medio de detección de infra rojos (calor), por ejemplo, para evitar incendios. Doten de drones pacíficos a la Guardia Civil. Estarán en buenas manos.
Las fuerzas y cuerpos de seguridad españoles, destinados en territorios conflictivos como la famosa valla con Marruecos, deben contar con protocolos de actuación suficientemente precisos. Aunque, claro, la circunstancia de un número indeterminado de hombres lanzando piedras y dispuestos a jugarse la vida, no resulta precisamente sencilla de reducir a un juegos táctico. Los procedimientos de un Estado de Derecho se rigen por la ley. Es decir: la policía y la Guardia Civil deben tener claro cómo responder a situaciones tal vez extremas, dentro de la legalidad vigente.
Es muy fácil criticar, con ese "buenismo" de quienes no tienen que aportar soluciones. Pero desgraciadamente no se trata de eso: África es un polvorín. África es pobreza extrema. Quienes intentan alcanzar el paraíso europeo son personas desesperadas. Hombres y mujeres víctimas de siglos de olvido colonial. En África hay cuantiosos yacimientos petrolíferos en manos de las Cinco Hermanas. Oro. Diamantes. Uranio. HIV. Niñas y mujeres esclavizadas, sometidas a mutilación genital. Menudean gobiernos profundamente corruptos a los que naciones democráticas toleran complacientes. Los derechos humanos son papel mojado en sociedades como las del continente africano. Ésas son las auténticas raíces, el panorama completo del problema.
¿Y qué tiene que ver la española Ceuta (y también Melilla) con la reforzada presencia de tropas estadounidenses en África?. Mucho.
Estados Unidos debería contribuir a paliar los males endémicos y estructurales de África. Las raíces de todo lo que se les vendrá encima tarde o temprano. Hasta ahora no han hecho nada, salvo beneficiarse de los recursos naturales.
Fortalecer la presencia militar estadounidense, ¿es una vía adecuada para el progreso de las naciones africanas en el siglo XXI?. Pues yo no tengo ni la menor idea.
El señor Azikiwe afirma que no.
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Growing instability in East and Central Africa will be the focus of Washington’s intervention
Over the last two months developments in Central and East Africa has dominated the news coverage of the continent. The split within the ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLA), a close ally of Washington, and the deployment of French and African troops in the Central African Republic, has brought the escalation of Pentagon troops in these states.
Recently the Department of Defense announced the formation of an East African Response Force. This new unit is part of the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) which has been strengthened and enhanced under the administration of President Barack Obama.
A recent drone attack in southern Somalia is representative of the growing aggression of Washington in Africa. The government of Djibouti, a former French colony where the U.S. has a military base with over 4,000 soldiers at Camp Lemonnier, released a statement saying that such strikes are “vital” in the so-called war on terrorism.
The drone strike was launched from the Pentagon military installations in Djibouti. Prior to the creation of the East African Response Force Washington operated in the region under the framework of the Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA).
U.S. Brigadier-General Wayne Grigsby, who is the commander of CJTF-HOA, says that his forces are in East Africa only to assist governments in their military campaigns to defeat the so-called terrorist threat posed by Al-Shabaab, a Somalia-based guerrilla organization which has fought the Washington-backed regime in Mogadishu for the last six years.
“Our mission here is to enable our East African partners to actually neutralize violent extremists throughout eastern Africa,” Grigsby said. Yet if this was the case then why would it be necessary to have such a formidable military force in the Horn of Africa region that conducts periodic bombings and commando raids in Somalia. (Shabelle Media Network, Feb. 7)
However, Brigadier-General Grigsby does say that “It also enables strategic access and freedom of movement. The purpose is to protect the United States and its interests abroad.”
Consequently, even the military leaders themselves must acknowledge that the underlying reasons for the build-up in Africa are clearly related to the economic and class interests of Washington and Wall Street. East and Central Africa is a vast repository of oil, natural gas and strategic minerals.
The U.S. Role in South Sudan and the Central African Republic
The East Africa Response Force has been utilized in the current conflict in the Republic of South Sudan. A contingent of the unit was deployed to the country to evacuate U.S. embassy personnel and to guard their economic interests.
One of the most significant factors in the present outcome of the conflict inside South Sudan has been the intervention of the Ugandan People’s Defense Force (UPDF) which sided with the government of President Salva Kiir. The Ugandan government is a very close ally of the U.S. and its military has benefited for years from Pentagon training programs and direct assistance in the purchase of weapons.
On January 23 with the signing of a cessation of hostilities agreement between the SPLM/A and the SPLM/A in Opposition, the faction represented by ousted Vice-President Riek Machar, this document called for the withdrawal of Ugandan troops from South Sudan. However, according to the dissident SPLM/A in Opposition, the UPDF is carrying out aerial bombings and ground operations in contested areas in Unity, Jonglei and Lakes states.
A helicopter gunner was reportedly shot down by the opposition forces in Lakes state on February 7. In an article published by the Sudan Tribune it states that “The military spokesperson for the rebels, Brig. Gen. Lul Ruai Koang, said on Friday (Feb. 7) that the gunner was shot dead and fell off the helicopter after serious damage was inflicted on one of the three helicopter gunships that carried out the bombings.”
This same article continued noting that “‘Our air defense artillery opened fire on the three warplanes seriously wounding one and killing the gunner,’ Koang said. The collected passport and ID of the dead gunner identified him as Jona Abuduku Alfred, a Ugandan national with military ID No. 21883, passport No. 11180 and a Lance Corporal in military rank. His hometown is Mbale in Uganda and joined the Ugandan Air Force in 1997, the documents obtained show.”
With respect to events in the Central African Republic (CAR), the U.S. has been assisting with the transport of French and African troops into the country where the recent forced resignation of interim President Michel Djotodia and the Seleka Coalition and his replacement by Catherine Samba-Panza has not stabilized the political and security situation. At present anti-Muslim mobs both within the CAR military and among Christian militias known as the Anti-Balaka, have engaged in attacks on Islamic communities where numerous people have been seriously injured and killed.
A spokesman for U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel was quoted by a military publication as saying “Minister Le Drian requested ... airlift support to enable African forces to deploy promptly to prevent the further spread of sectarian violence in the Central African Republic,” Pentagon Assistant Press Secretary Carl Woog announced Dec. 9.
“The United States is joining the international community in this effort because of our belief that immediate action is required to avert a humanitarian and human rights catastrophe in the Central African Republic, and because of our interest in peace and security in the region.” (Stars and Stripes, Jan. 22)
Yet the intervention of both France and the U.S. has only worsened the conditions for people in the CAR. With the dislocation of tens of thousands of Muslims who are fleeing out of the country to neighboring Chad, divisions are becoming more pronounced based upon religious differences and perceptions of political power.
The only solution being advocated as a next step in the process is the deployment of more troops from the European Union (EU). The United Nations Security Council has authorized the deployment of EU troops but there is no evidence to suggest that this will stabilize the situation.
Military Build-up Designed to Secure Influence and Resources
The growing French, U.S. and EU military involvement in Africa is designed to secure western imperialist dominance over the oil, diamonds, gold and uranium that exist in abundance in both the CAR and South Sudan. These western states are creating the conditions for the deterioration of the societies involved, and consequently through their false propaganda about humanitarian assistance, will only provide a further rationale for an even heavier military occupation.
By framing the discussion about their intervention as being “humanitarian”, the imperialists are attempting as well to remove these issues from public debate and scrutiny. During the State of the Union address in January, President Obama only spoke about the impact of military policy from the standpoint of supposedly honoring the sacrifices made by seriously injured and disabled veterans.
No discussion or analysis of the impact and effectiveness of U.S. interventions in Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia is conducted. Nonetheless, these military invasions and occupations are not only destroying the lives of people on the ground in these various geo-political regions but are killing and maiming its own soldiers which the Veterans Administration is incapable of adequately addressing.
Anti-War and anti-imperialist organizations in the U.S. must oppose these so-called “humanitarian interventions” because they are acts of war and military occupation. Resources utilized for these imperialist operations would be better served in putting people in the U.S. back to work with jobs that pay a decent wage and make significant contributions to the society.
Copyright © 2014 Global Research
martes, 11 de febrero de 2014
Feminicidio legal en Afganistán
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"A new Afghan law will allow men to attack their wives, children and sisters without fear of judicial punishment, undoing years of slow progress in tackling violence in a country blighted by so-called "honour" killings, forced marriage and vicious domestic abuse.
Una ley que puede ser aprobada próximamente en Afganistán, deja a las mujeres completamente vulnerables, indefensas, frente a la violencia machista. Sus maridos pueden castigarlas, abusarlas o hacer con ellas lo que les de la gana. Sin responsabilidad legal. Y les diré que tal norma permite de facto el feminicidio. Se puede llegar a matar en defensa del honor del agresor. Curiosamente, allí sirven tropas de países democráticos. Mujeres y hombres estadounidenses.
Afghanistan prosecution
Afghanistan's criminal prosecution code bans relatives of an accused person from testifying against them. Most violence against women in Afghanistan is within the family, so the law – passed by parliament but awaiting the signature of the president, Hamid Karzai – will effectively silence victims as well as most potential witnesses to their suffering.
Afghanistan's criminal prosecution code bans relatives of an accused person from testifying against them. Most violence against women in Afghanistan is within the family, so the law – passed by parliament but awaiting the signature of the president, Hamid Karzai – will effectively silence victims as well as most potential witnesses to their suffering.
"It is a travesty this is happening," said Manizha Naderi, director of the charity and campaign group Women for Afghan Women. "It will make it impossible to prosecute cases of violence against women … The most vulnerable people won't get justice now."
EU position
The European Union has called a draft Afghan law that would silence battered women a "backward step", while activists warn there are only two weeks to stop it coming into force.
The new criminal prosecution code bars relatives from testifying against each other, in effect putting justice out of reach for victims of domestic violence, forced marriage or child abuse.
A final draft was completed last week and has been sent by parliament to President Hamid Karzai, according to an international diplomat who is following the progress of the legislation.
Under the Afghan constitution, if Karzai does not veto it within 15 days, the law will come into force by default. The president's office did not respond to emails and calls seeking comment on his position. "I am very concerned that this new law would restrict prosecutions for domestic violence and child abuse in Afghanistan," the EU's foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, said.
Deshielo EU - Cuba
Cuando se produzca el denominado deshielo de las relaciones de Bruselas con Cuba, será beneficioso tanto para los europeos como para los cubanos. Tomen nota de algunos programas de colaboración vigentes. Invertir en Cuba, para quienes sepan hacerlo, puede ser un magnífico negocio. Hay lugar para una verdadera reconstrucción financiera del país caribeño. Está todo por hacer. Cuba sería una salida para la formación de profesionales de la salud. Por cierto, los cubanos no sobreviven del turismo de sol y playa. La principal fuente de ingresos viene de convenios para suministrar atención sanitaria. Que Cuba, sus relaciones con la EU, deje de ser una rareza, una triste excepción, ya tocaba.
06/02/2014 - Erasmus+ to boost student exchanges and partnerships - Visit of EU Commissioner Vassiliou to Cuba
[102 KB] 
Erasmus + to boost student exchanges and partnerships - Visit of EU Commissioner Vassiliou to Cuba
06/02/2014 - Convocatoria de propuestas restringida - Invertir en las personas (Referencia: EuropeAid/135178/C/ACT/Multi)
Convocatoria de propuestas restringida - Invertir en las personas (Referencia: EuropeAid/135178/C/ACT/Multi)
03/02/2014 - Anuncio de convocatoria para la compra de tres mini industrias de Girasol, para el Proyecto “Apoyo a la producción de fríjol, maíz, sorgo y plantas oleaginosas en la Región Occidental de Cuba
[260 KB] 
Anuncio de convocatoria para la compra de tres mini industrias de Girasol, para el Proyecto “Apoyo a la producción de fríjol, maíz, sorgo y plantas oleaginosas en la Región Occidental de Cuba. DCI-FOOD/2010/242-586, Co-financiado por la Unión Europea.
Holy AP vs Fidel´s ear
Una vez más, Fidel Castro Ruz acapara la atención del mundo mundial. Ahora no es por haber calificado de "cínico" al Nobel de la Pau, Mr. President Obama. Ni por sus vario pintas reflexiones sobre el catastrófico futuro del planeta. Resulta que la santísima AP, que en su larga y tortuosa vida nunca ha incurrido en una manipulación, omisión u error intencional, ha detectado (tachan) que en las fotos oficiales de Castro, distribuidas por el gobierno cubano, habían retocado la oreja de Fidel, nada menos que para eliminarle un "sonotone". La foto trucada se la hizo al Comandante (o Coma Andante, para hacerle la pelota a los anticastristas rabiosos) su hijo Alex. (Bueno, Fidel tiene un montón de hijos, el fotógrafo se llama Alex). Que se conoce que tiró de Photoshop u otra aplicación,y dejo impoluta la orejita de su padre. La AP es bastante hipócrita y bien cínica. No tiene mucha vergüenza. No hay agencia de prensa que no incluya en sus archivos pequeños (o gruesos) fraudes. Por ejemplo, si se cogen el "Hallo" español, el Hola patrio, que viene a ser el órgano oficial de la corona, darán con numerosas muestras de uso benéfico del Photoshop para con las reales personas. Si alguien tiene un mal día y sale con cara de velorio, le dan su retoque y asunto terminado. Que una persona de 87 años tenga problemas de audición no es noticia. Es más, que quieren que les diga, la foto con el audífono quedó mejor, Alex. Los de la AP no han realizado una proeza al "descubrir" el engaño. Una que es cotilla ha sacado mucho de la controvertida información gráfica. Fíjense en la mujer de Fidel (la rubia de bote): a ella se le cae la baba por su viejito medio sordo. Él va pelín hortera con el chándal y la camisita a cuadros. Pero si eso es lo que le gusta después de tanto verde oliva, se lo ha ganado.Y su compañera gasta unos zapatos feos con ganas. El Comandante está sentado en una silla con rueditas, es decir, que lo pueden desplazar, si así se requiere. Ah y la presidenta visitante también parece fascinada con la trola del ex gran jefe cubano. En "Punto Cero", tienen cierto buen gusto para la decoración. Me gusta el vitral con girasoles. Tampoco está mal la silla de mimbre. De todo lo que he visto que Fidel vive el reposo del guerrero junto a una mujer que lo quiere. Que sigue dando la brasa. Que verborréico o no, engatusa al personal femenino. Vaya con el Comandante cubano. Comandante, usted pa´lante y pa´lante, hasta que el body le aguante. Donde sea, como sea y pa lo que sea, etc, etc, Comandante en Jefe ORDENEEE. (Dicho en el audífono eh) |
lunes, 10 de febrero de 2014
EU relations with Cuba
Aquí les dejo un documento interesante. Regirá las relaciones bilaterales de la EU con Cuba. Desde luego que en la isla caribeña no existe un sistema de gobierno libre de carencias democráticas. Cuba no es una democracia a la occidental. Pero a nadie le debería extrañar que el actual presidente Raúl Castro se revuelva frente a las presuntas injerencias y presiones para que su país se convierta ipso facto al neo liberalismo. En la Cuba que visité recientemente, ya se han producido muchos cambios. Para bien. Ha terminado la asfixiante ley migratoria que convertía el viajar al extranjero en una dádiva del gobierno. Hoy se reconocen, por ley, los principales elementos de la propiedad privada. Se potencia la actividad emprendedora privada y el auto empleo. Hay pasos esperanzadores hacia la unificación de la moneda. Pero con más de 50 años con un único y vetusto partido gobernante, pese al enorme desgaste de la utopía revolucionaria, la administración de Raúl y/o Fidel, bien podría propiciar nuevos márgenes de participación ciudadana. Por lo menos deberían dejar de una vez los incordios y prisiones temporales, aunque domiciliarias, de aquellos que no entran por el aro castrista. Al mismo tiempo es indecente que Estados Unidos mantenga un embargo contra una isleta caribeña de 11 millones de habitantes. Ya Cuba lo que exporta son buenos médicos y maestros, no guerrilleros. Aunque, que quieren que les diga, a los cubanos de Fidel nadie los ha compensado por las numerosas intervenciones de la CIA, donde muchos se dejaron sus vidas. Por las amenazas de invasión. Por el criminal sabotaje a un avión de Cubana. Por un atentado en un hotel habanero, en el que murió un turista italiano. Pues eso, hay que defender todos los derechos humanos: la educación, la salud, la igualdad de la mujer, el trabajo digno, la libertad de expresión, de culto, en todas partes. Muchos países presuntamente muy democráticos saldrían bastante mal parados.
EU relations and cooperation with Cuba are carried out on a bilateral and regional basis, the latter within the framework of the on-going EU-CELAC and EU-CARIFORUM dialogues.
EU-Cuba cooperation was resumed in October 2008. Since then, the Commission has committed around € 60 million for cooperation on post-hurricane reconstruction and rehabilitation, food security, climate change and renewable energy, culture, and education. Cuba also takes part in several EU-funded regional programmes. The firstCountry Strategy Paper/National Indicative Programme
for Cuba was adopted on 12 May 2010 making available € 20 million between 2011 and 2013 for food security, climate change adaptation, and expertise exchanges. The EU has adopted decisions allocating € 4 million to support the population affected by Hurricane Sandy in November 2012.
The EU is Cuba's second most important trading partner (accounting for 20% of total Cuban trade). The EU is the second biggest source of Cuban imports (20%) and was the third most important destination for Cuban exports (21%). The EU is Cuba's biggest external investor. Approximately one third of all tourists visiting the island every year come from the EU.
In November 2012 the member states of the EU and the Caribbean adopted the new Joint Caribbean-European Union Partnership Strategy
. This Strategy will enhance Caribbean– European Union relations and broaden the engagement by adding a political pillar to the traditionally development and trade cooperation based relationship with the Caribbean region. The strategy focuses on Regional Integration, Haiti Reconstruction, Climate Change and Natural Disasters, Crime and Security, and Joint Action in Multilateral Fora.
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