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sábado, 28 de abril de 2012
Las tres tragedias de la guerra en Afganistán
AFGHANISTAN: A Tale of "Three Tragedies"
By Felicity Arbuthnot
“ ... she becomes the endless scream in the breaking news,
which was no longer breaking news, when
the aircraft returned to bomb a house with two windows and a door.”
(The Girl/The Scream, Mahmoud Darwish, 1941-2008.)
Felicity Arbuthnot ha ha urdido una estrecha trama de información para proporcionar la visión de una guerra de la que como mucho llegan cifras, fotos espeluznantes y con frecuencia declaraciones vanas de los políticos. En codondesatre.blogspot.com se publicaron las cifras de muertos entre la población civil. El artículo de Arbthnot pone rostros, nombres a muchas de las víctimas. En Afganistán se suceden muchas guerras, enre ellas las tres analizadas por Arbuthnot.
March was another month of tragic, needless lives lost, the searing grief of mothers and fathers for lost sons and daughters.
Shockingly stark, however, has been the impression, that for the powers-that-be, for a swathe of public in the West, some deaths are indisputedly regarded as, more tragic, more noteworthy, than others.On 6th March, six British soldiers were killed in Afghanistan. Corporal Jake Hartley (20) and Privates Anthony Frampton (20) Christopher Kershaw (19) Daniel Wade (20) and Daniel Wilford (20) and Sergeant Nigel Coupe (33) died when their armored vehicle was blown up. The resulting fire reportedly burned all night.
More youthful annihilations in an invasion and occupation, illegal, ill-conceived and long lost. Human sacrifices at the alter of political ego, dying because the powerful would still lose, throw away, the lives of others, than “lose face” – one hundred and twenty five months since the “war” started.
In the US, five of the six would have been too young to even legally order a drink in a bar, but are old enough to die for monumental imperial folly, regional foothold – and a pipeline.
Before the month ended two more British servicemen were shot, and yet another, blown to eternity..
In Parliament Prime Minister Cameron paid vacuous tribute. They died, he said: “Keeping our country safe.” What nonsense. There are no Afghan hordes massing across the English Channel, planning invasion with near antique rifles - some so ancient they have Queen Victoria’s insignia on, relics from another historic British folly.
Prince Harry, cavorting round the Caribbean, filling in time before returning to Afghanistan in an Apache Attack Helicopter - with fire power of 632 rounds a minute, plus up to sixteen Hellfire missiles - to wipe out more villagers, and their homes, hung his head and declared himself: “Devastated.” Flags in their home and base towns in the UK flew at half mast.
Five days later, on March 11, there was a massacre of seventeen Afghan villagers, by an American soldier, or, say numerous eye witnesses, soldiers. Nine of the victims were children, the youngest two years old.
The names have been gathered (i) but to date, their ages not matched with them. Mohamed Wazir lost five daughters: Masooma, Farida, Palwasha, Nabia, and Estmatullah, and his son, Faizullah.
The other known names are: Mohamed Dawood, Khudaydad, Nazar Mohamed, Payendo, Robeena, Shatarina, Zahra, Nazia, Essa Mohamed and Akhtar Mohammed. The name of the seventeenth victim is, so far, unknown.
The wounded have names too: Haji Mohamed Naim, Mohamed Sediq, Parween, Rafiulla, Zardana, Zulheja. Since they were taken to a US military medical facility, little is known of their condition.
John Henry Browne, is attorney for Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, the only person, so far, accused of the atrocities – which, allegedly, involved attempting to set fire to the bodies, having covered them with materials and doused them with gasoline. Browne claims that US forces have obstructed him and colleagues from reaching and questioning the survivors.(ii)
Ironically, the killings and attempted body burnings were a near carbon copy of the US murders in Mahmudiya, Iraq, six years before, almost to the day. (12th March 2006.)
President Obama called Afghanistan’s Hamid Karzai to express his condolences and to assure him that the: “tragic incident does not represent the exceptional character of our military and the respect that the United States has for the people of Afghanistan.”
Coming a month after “respectful” representatives of the US military had chucked over a hundred Holy Quran’s in to a burn pit, a large group Marine snipers had been photographed posing with a flamboyant Nazi flag (iii),and less than two months after they had been filmed urinating on dead Afghans, the Nobel President’s assurances, surely sounded somewhat wanting on the sincerity front.
That impression may have been confirmed, when just two days after the killings and pictures of the little broken bodies and their relatives, laid in battered pick-up trucks for their last journey, to their burial - the haunted faces of the male relatives saying more than any words - Obama and David Cameron, were pictured, carefree, smirking, sharing jokes and munching hotdogs in Ohio.
Cameron, who had arrived in Washington that day, was whisked off in Air Force One, to the annual US college basketball tournament: “March Madness” in Dayton to watch Kentucky’s Hilltoppers challenge Mississippi’s Delta Devils. Ohio is a swing state that is a vital plank of his strategy to win a second term in November, observe commentators.
User-friendly front page pictures of jollying at a game, surely beat those of small US victims, over which Obama had declared himself: “heartbroken”, in an increasingly unpopular quagmire, which a March CNN/ORC poll showed just 25% of Americans supporting.
David Cameron flew back to the UK, just in time to temporarily attempt diversion from an avalanche of self-inflicted domestic problems, by temporarily leaping to support fellow Libya destroyer, France’s Nicholas Sarkozy. (Even by the woeful record of British Prime Ministers, Cameron and his Croesus-rich Cabinet cronies are so out of touch with the real world, they would make Marie “let them eat cake” Antoinette, look like a representative of the far left.)
On the 19th of March, another tragedy struck more children, a father, and their families.
At a Jewish school, the Ozar Hatorah school, in Toulouse, France, a gunman, Mohammed Merah, shot dead Jonathan Sandler, a Rabbi and teacher at the school, his two sons, Gabriel and Arieh, aged three and six, and Miriam Monsonego, the seven year-old daughter of the school Principal, Yaacov Monsenego. An un-named seventeen year-old boy, was wounded.
President Sarkozy said: "Barbarity, savagery and cruelty cannot win, hate cannot win ...One can imagine that the bloodthirsty madness was linked to racism."
Ironically, the gunman, of Algerian origin, with a Muslim background, three days earlier, had, it seems, killed three soldiers, in nearby Montaubon. Two were Muslim. He has been repeatedly quoted as saying he was driven by the plight of the Palestinian people and of what he perceived as the West’s war against Islam. George W. Bush’s declared: “Crusade” returns to haunt.
David Cameron told Sarkozy: "People across Britain share the shock and grief that is being felt in France, and my thoughts are with the victims, their friends and their families.... You can count on my every support in confronting these senseless acts of brutality and cowardice."
A minute’s silence was held across France for the victims. A book of condolence was opened at the French Embassy in Washington, and when those who had dual French-Israeli nationality were flown back to Israel for burial, accompanied by their relatives, they were joined by French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe.
Mohammed Merah’s story is becoming as hard to unravel of that of Staff Sergeant Bales in the Afghanistan carnage. However Merah is predictably being labeled an Islamic terrorist, whilst Bales has been whisked out of Afghanistan. His lawyer cites memory loss and post traumatic stress disorder.
Meanwhile, Sarkozy too faces his electorate in April and May, and with France’s finances and Libya threatening to take their toll, no sympathy stone is, seemingly, left unturned.
"What must be understood”, he said: “is that the trauma of Montaubon and Toulouse is profound for our country, a little ... a little, like the trauma that followed in the United States and in New York after the September 11, 2001 attacks", he told “Europe 1” radio. Loss and grief as chutzpah which out-does chutzpah.
It is surely coincidence that nineteen people have been arrested in France, in connection with the murders. Exactly the same number as the 9/11 hijackers.
When London’s underground system and a bus was struck by explosives on 7th July 2005, former New York Mayor, Rudolph Giuliani happened to be in town and did the rounds of media outlets, telling listeners that this was “London’s 9/11.” These shameful political non-senses trivialize losses of enormity, and all who are left to pick up the pieces of, and struggle with the fractured, often broken, emotional aftermath.
Willfully ignored, is cause and effect. Soldiers are dispatched to countries of which they know nothing, for oil and other interests, having been trained to see those in lands they occupy, uninvited, as lesser beings. Always thus, they attach derogatory names to other nationalities, sneer at lives, culture, beliefs and dress. Above all they are trained to kill.
Those who react to this injustice are simply “terrorists”, a “a tragic incident”, or “collateral damage.”
Three tragedies, leaving holes in many hearts, but two, clearly, so much greater.
When will Western politicians and their allies address their own: “barbarity, savagery and cruelty ... the bloodthirsty madness” their: “senseless acts of brutality and cowardice”, their murderous meddling. Their crimes against humanity?
And far away, in those little villages in Afghanistan, traumatized surviving children are repeatedly asking their parents: “Are the Americans coming back?” (And yes, they do say: “Americans.”)
viernes, 27 de abril de 2012
Espionaje Global made in USA
By Tom Burghardt
¿Cómo se obtiene información en el siglo XXI? ¿Cuáles son los objetivos y medios?. Tom Burghardt ayuda a conocer algunas características de lo que llama espionaje global.
From driftnet surveillance to data mining and link analysis, the secret state has weaponized our data, "criminal evidence, ready for use in a trial," as Cryptohippie famously warned.
No longer the exclusive domain of intelligence agencies, a highly-profitable Surveillance-Industrial Complex emerged in the 1980s with the deployment of the NSA-GCHQ ECHELON intercept system. As investigate journalist Nicky Hager revealed in CovertAction Quarterly back in 1996:
The ECHELON system is not designed to eavesdrop on a particular individual's e-mail or fax link. Rather, the system works by indiscriminately intercepting very large quantities of communications and using computers to identify and extract messages of interest from the mass of unwanted ones. A chain of secret interception facilities has been established around the world to tap into all the major components of the international telecommunications networks. Some monitor communications satellites, others land-based communications networks, and others radio communications. ECHELON links together all these facilities, providing the US and its allies with the ability to intercept a large proportion of the communications on the planet.
With the exponential growth of fiber optic and wireless networks, the mass of data which can be "mined" for "actionable intelligence," covering everything from eavesdropping on official enemies to blanket surveillance of dissidents is now part of the landscape: no more visible to the average citizen than ornamental shrubbery surrounding a strip mall.
That process will become even more ubiquitous. As James Bamford pointed out in Wired Magazine, "the Pentagon is attempting to expand its worldwide communications network, known as the Global Information Grid, to handle yottabytes (10 to the 24th bytes) of data. (A yottabyte is a septillion bytes--so large that no one has yet coined a term for the next higher magnitude.)"
"It needs that capacity because, according to a recent report by Cisco, global Internet traffic will quadruple from 2010 to 2015," Bamford reported, "reaching 966 exabytes per year. (A million exabytes equal a yottabyte.) ... Thus, the NSA's need for a 1-million-square-foot data storehouse. Should the agency ever fill the Utah center with a yottabyte of information, it would be equal to about 500 quintillion (500,000,000,000,000,000,000) pages of text."
A former top NSA official turned whistleblower, William Binney, who resigned in 2001 shortly after the agency stood-up the Bush regime's warrantless wiretapping programs (now greatly expanded under Hope and Change(TM) huckster Barack Obama), "held his thumb and forefinger close together" and told Bamford, "We are that far from a turnkey totalitarian state."
Last week, Binney said on Democracy Now when queried whether there were any differences between the Bush and Obama administrations, "Actually, I think the surveillance has increased. In fact, I would suggest that they've assembled on the order of 20 trillion transactions about U.S. citizens with other U.S. citizens."
Add to that the Transportation Security Administration's invasion of "travel by other means," as Jennifer Abel pointed out in The Guardian, through the agency's usurpation of "jurisdiction over all forms of mass transit," and it should be clear to Americans (though it isn't) that there is no way of escaping the secret state's callous trampling of our rights.
Commenting, Salon's Glenn Greenwald pointed out that the "domestic NSA-led Surveillance State which Frank Church so stridently warned about has obviously come to fruition."
"The way to avoid its grip is simply to acquiesce to the nation's most powerful factions, to obediently remain within the permitted boundaries of political discourse and activism."
By Tom Burghardt
¿Cómo se obtiene información en el siglo XXI? ¿Cuáles son los objetivos y medios?. Tom Burghardt ayuda a conocer algunas características de lo que llama espionaje global.
From driftnet surveillance to data mining and link analysis, the secret state has weaponized our data, "criminal evidence, ready for use in a trial," as Cryptohippie famously warned.
No longer the exclusive domain of intelligence agencies, a highly-profitable Surveillance-Industrial Complex emerged in the 1980s with the deployment of the NSA-GCHQ ECHELON intercept system. As investigate journalist Nicky Hager revealed in CovertAction Quarterly back in 1996:
The ECHELON system is not designed to eavesdrop on a particular individual's e-mail or fax link. Rather, the system works by indiscriminately intercepting very large quantities of communications and using computers to identify and extract messages of interest from the mass of unwanted ones. A chain of secret interception facilities has been established around the world to tap into all the major components of the international telecommunications networks. Some monitor communications satellites, others land-based communications networks, and others radio communications. ECHELON links together all these facilities, providing the US and its allies with the ability to intercept a large proportion of the communications on the planet.
With the exponential growth of fiber optic and wireless networks, the mass of data which can be "mined" for "actionable intelligence," covering everything from eavesdropping on official enemies to blanket surveillance of dissidents is now part of the landscape: no more visible to the average citizen than ornamental shrubbery surrounding a strip mall.
That process will become even more ubiquitous. As James Bamford pointed out in Wired Magazine, "the Pentagon is attempting to expand its worldwide communications network, known as the Global Information Grid, to handle yottabytes (10 to the 24th bytes) of data. (A yottabyte is a septillion bytes--so large that no one has yet coined a term for the next higher magnitude.)"
"It needs that capacity because, according to a recent report by Cisco, global Internet traffic will quadruple from 2010 to 2015," Bamford reported, "reaching 966 exabytes per year. (A million exabytes equal a yottabyte.) ... Thus, the NSA's need for a 1-million-square-foot data storehouse. Should the agency ever fill the Utah center with a yottabyte of information, it would be equal to about 500 quintillion (500,000,000,000,000,000,000) pages of text."
A former top NSA official turned whistleblower, William Binney, who resigned in 2001 shortly after the agency stood-up the Bush regime's warrantless wiretapping programs (now greatly expanded under Hope and Change(TM) huckster Barack Obama), "held his thumb and forefinger close together" and told Bamford, "We are that far from a turnkey totalitarian state."
Last week, Binney said on Democracy Now when queried whether there were any differences between the Bush and Obama administrations, "Actually, I think the surveillance has increased. In fact, I would suggest that they've assembled on the order of 20 trillion transactions about U.S. citizens with other U.S. citizens."
Add to that the Transportation Security Administration's invasion of "travel by other means," as Jennifer Abel pointed out in The Guardian, through the agency's usurpation of "jurisdiction over all forms of mass transit," and it should be clear to Americans (though it isn't) that there is no way of escaping the secret state's callous trampling of our rights.
Commenting, Salon's Glenn Greenwald pointed out that the "domestic NSA-led Surveillance State which Frank Church so stridently warned about has obviously come to fruition."
"The way to avoid its grip is simply to acquiesce to the nation's most powerful factions, to obediently remain within the permitted boundaries of political discourse and activism."
Hyman Strachman: el héroe pirata
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Medalla conmemorativa de la revolución cubana. |
Pues bien, lo que ha convertido en celebridad al "yayo" de 92 años es que se dedica a enviarle copias piratas en DVD´s de pelis nuevas, de estreno, vamos, a las tropas estadounidenses destacadas en Irak y Afaganistán. Algo que los desgraciados soldados que luchan por su país en Afganistán (guerra muy inútil) e Irak (guerra ya perdida), le agradecen encarecidamente.
Las cifras de pirateo conocidas son impresionantes: entre 2008 y 2010 unos 2.000 discos. Desde su pequeño apartamento un viejo combatiente nacido en Brooklyn en 1920, de padres judíos polacos, hace su propia batalla rodeado de fotos, recuerdos de sus años mozos y 7 enormes banderas de USA.
Para los combatientes "Big By" es con frecuencia su mejor apoyo cuando convalecen en un hospital de campaña. O cuando esperan el próximo combate, que puede ser el último.
jueves, 26 de abril de 2012
Mark "Lucky" Sullivan: nuestro hombre en La Habana
Sullivan, el jefe de los “agentes secretos” de Obama, “trabajó” en Cuba, Ecuador y Angola
por Jean-Guy Allard (Granma-Internacional, La Habana)
Una introducción breve: He leido con interés varias noticias sobre como van las cosas en Kuba donde las transaciones de coches y viviendas se han disparado. También revisé un artículo de opinión de Yoani Sánchez (Generación Y) en "El País", sobre los intríngulis de la desangelada VI Cumbre de las Américas. Cuba brilló por su ausencia. Y una vez más la astucia de los viejos guerrilleros del gobierno parece que salió favorecida. Aquí ofrezco una historieta de espías y prostitutas. Los espías, ya se sabe, dan mucho juego a la imaginación.
Obama tiene interés en deshacerse urgentemente del director del Secret Service (SS) que supuestamente asegura su protección, Mark "Lucky" Sullivan, —cuyos agentes, en la Cumbre de Cartagena, priorizaron la búsqueda de prostitutas—, antes que haga otros disparates.
Sullivan es ese mismo personaje desenmascarado y expulsado de Ecuador en el 2009 por ser el jefe de la CIA en la embajada norteamericana en Quito. Anteriormente se distinguió "canibaleando" ( entrando en el disco duro) la computadora de Raúl Reyes en Colombia; manejando el reclutamiento de "disidentes" en La Habana y asesorando en Angola al terrorista Jonas Savimbi.
Recientemente, otros tres agentes del SS renunciaron a sus puestos federales, y hasta hoy suman seis las dimisiones o despidos por el escándalo relacionado con las prostitutas colombianas, anunció el propio Sullivan, quien sobrevive hasta ahora al escándalo.
Entretanto, una trabajadora sexual colombiana, identificada como Dania, declaró al diario The New York Times que fue maltratada por los norteamericanos. Dania no descarta presentar una demanda contra el Gobierno de Obama.
Los sucesos acontecieron en Cartagena de Indias dos días antes de que llegara Obama e implican posiblemente a menores de edad.
Un comunicado emitido anteriormente por Sullivan anunció que tres agentes fueron despedidos: un supervisor se retiró, otro jefecito fue expulsado, y un tercer agente "fue aconsejado para que solicitara la dimisión".
Sullivan, en vez de renunciar, prefirió rebajar de funciones a sus "valientes" agentes que contrataron prostitutas durante la VI Cumbre de las Américas.
Director de la estación CIA en Ecuador, Mark Sullivan fue expulsado el 18 de mayo del 2009 del país andino. En su bunker de la Avenida Avigiras, en el norte de Quito, trabajaba bajo el engañoso título de primer secretario de la embajada de Estados Unidos, dirigiendo febrilmente los numerosos agentes de inteligencia que se esconden entre los 185 empleados estadounidenses de la embajada gringa.
Pocos días antes, ya se había invitado a hacer las maletas a su colega Armando Astorga, "agente especial senior de la embajada", un agente del Department of Homeland Security de Estados Unidos (el Departamento de Seguridad Interna) que coordinaba sus acciones con la CIA.
Por su parte, Sullivan orientaba directamente las actividades de nada menos que la Unidad de Investigaciones Especiales de la Policía (UIES), un organismo del más alto nivel que tenía virtualmente acceso a todas las actividades policíacas en la nación andina. También coordinaba las acciones con el DAS (la inteligencia colombiana) y las Fuerzas Armadas de Colombia, en comunicación constante con Michael Steere, el jefe de la estación CIA en Venezuela.
El vicecanciller ecuatoriano Kintto Lucas señalaba entonces cómo "en los registros biográficos del Departamento de Estado, no existía referencia ni se mencionaba la trayectoria de Mark Sullivan".
Sullivan y Steere dirigieron la operación en la que se confeccionaron los miles de documentos aparecidos en el famoso ordenador de Raúl Reyes.
Anteriormente, Sullivan asesoró a la organización Unión Nacional para la Independencia de Angola, mejor conocida bajo las siglas UNITA, cuyo jefe, Jonas Savimbi, recibió enormes cantidades de armamento y dinero de sus patrocinadores.
Sullivan representaba a la inteligencia de su país en Haití en 1991, cuando el golpe de Estado del 30 de septiembre —encabezado por el entonces general jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas, Raoul Cédras—, derrocó al presidente Jean-Bertrand Aristide, legítimamente electo.
También ejerció sus actividades de infiltración, soborno y manipulación de forma similar en Ruanda, cuando ocurrieron aquellos escalofriantes eventos, Etiopía, Eritrea y Congo, sucesivamente.
En Cuba, fue primer secretario político y oficial de la CIA en la Sección de Intereses Norteamericanos (SINA) —calificada de "estado mayor conjunto de la subversión y la mentira"— donde sustituyó al jefe de estación Alexander George Gryschuk (alias Hryschuk) en las actividades de espionaje y subversión que se desarrollan en el cuartel general del Malecón habanero.
En Ecuador, el nivel de control de la embajada sobre la actividad policíaca en el país era propiamente escandaloso. Funcionarios de la embajada USA controlaban e inventariaban los bienes y los mecanismos de logística de la policía y de su unidad de elite.
Desenmascarado en Ecuador, Sullivan terminó, después de un chapuzón en Chile, de jefe de la otrora prestigiosa guardia pretoriana de Obama, cuyos agentes se distinguen más bien por sus espejuelos al estilo Matrix y sus trajes de gerentes de funeraria.
Para Ronald Kessler, veterano periodista y escritor que alertó al Washington Post de lo ocurrido en Colombia, lo cometido por los hombres de Sullivan no tiene precedentes.
"Nada se le acerca a esto en términos de la potencial brecha de seguridad que pudo existir, la vergüenza que ha causado y el hecho de que los agentes estaban totalmente fuera de línea frente a lo que se espera de ellos. No hay comparación en la historia", declaró en entrevista con El Tiempo, de Bogotá.
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Doña Barbara Bush con el mejor equipo de seguridad de la White House |
Sullivan, el jefe de los “agentes secretos” de Obama, “trabajó” en Cuba, Ecuador y Angola
por Jean-Guy Allard (Granma-Internacional, La Habana)
Una introducción breve: He leido con interés varias noticias sobre como van las cosas en Kuba donde las transaciones de coches y viviendas se han disparado. También revisé un artículo de opinión de Yoani Sánchez (Generación Y) en "El País", sobre los intríngulis de la desangelada VI Cumbre de las Américas. Cuba brilló por su ausencia. Y una vez más la astucia de los viejos guerrilleros del gobierno parece que salió favorecida. Aquí ofrezco una historieta de espías y prostitutas. Los espías, ya se sabe, dan mucho juego a la imaginación.
Obama tiene interés en deshacerse urgentemente del director del Secret Service (SS) que supuestamente asegura su protección, Mark "Lucky" Sullivan, —cuyos agentes, en la Cumbre de Cartagena, priorizaron la búsqueda de prostitutas—, antes que haga otros disparates.
Sullivan es ese mismo personaje desenmascarado y expulsado de Ecuador en el 2009 por ser el jefe de la CIA en la embajada norteamericana en Quito. Anteriormente se distinguió "canibaleando" ( entrando en el disco duro) la computadora de Raúl Reyes en Colombia; manejando el reclutamiento de "disidentes" en La Habana y asesorando en Angola al terrorista Jonas Savimbi.
Recientemente, otros tres agentes del SS renunciaron a sus puestos federales, y hasta hoy suman seis las dimisiones o despidos por el escándalo relacionado con las prostitutas colombianas, anunció el propio Sullivan, quien sobrevive hasta ahora al escándalo.
Entretanto, una trabajadora sexual colombiana, identificada como Dania, declaró al diario The New York Times que fue maltratada por los norteamericanos. Dania no descarta presentar una demanda contra el Gobierno de Obama.
Los sucesos acontecieron en Cartagena de Indias dos días antes de que llegara Obama e implican posiblemente a menores de edad.
Un comunicado emitido anteriormente por Sullivan anunció que tres agentes fueron despedidos: un supervisor se retiró, otro jefecito fue expulsado, y un tercer agente "fue aconsejado para que solicitara la dimisión".
Sullivan, en vez de renunciar, prefirió rebajar de funciones a sus "valientes" agentes que contrataron prostitutas durante la VI Cumbre de las Américas.
Director de la estación CIA en Ecuador, Mark Sullivan fue expulsado el 18 de mayo del 2009 del país andino. En su bunker de la Avenida Avigiras, en el norte de Quito, trabajaba bajo el engañoso título de primer secretario de la embajada de Estados Unidos, dirigiendo febrilmente los numerosos agentes de inteligencia que se esconden entre los 185 empleados estadounidenses de la embajada gringa.
Pocos días antes, ya se había invitado a hacer las maletas a su colega Armando Astorga, "agente especial senior de la embajada", un agente del Department of Homeland Security de Estados Unidos (el Departamento de Seguridad Interna) que coordinaba sus acciones con la CIA.
Por su parte, Sullivan orientaba directamente las actividades de nada menos que la Unidad de Investigaciones Especiales de la Policía (UIES), un organismo del más alto nivel que tenía virtualmente acceso a todas las actividades policíacas en la nación andina. También coordinaba las acciones con el DAS (la inteligencia colombiana) y las Fuerzas Armadas de Colombia, en comunicación constante con Michael Steere, el jefe de la estación CIA en Venezuela.
El vicecanciller ecuatoriano Kintto Lucas señalaba entonces cómo "en los registros biográficos del Departamento de Estado, no existía referencia ni se mencionaba la trayectoria de Mark Sullivan".
Sullivan y Steere dirigieron la operación en la que se confeccionaron los miles de documentos aparecidos en el famoso ordenador de Raúl Reyes.
Anteriormente, Sullivan asesoró a la organización Unión Nacional para la Independencia de Angola, mejor conocida bajo las siglas UNITA, cuyo jefe, Jonas Savimbi, recibió enormes cantidades de armamento y dinero de sus patrocinadores.
Sullivan representaba a la inteligencia de su país en Haití en 1991, cuando el golpe de Estado del 30 de septiembre —encabezado por el entonces general jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas, Raoul Cédras—, derrocó al presidente Jean-Bertrand Aristide, legítimamente electo.
También ejerció sus actividades de infiltración, soborno y manipulación de forma similar en Ruanda, cuando ocurrieron aquellos escalofriantes eventos, Etiopía, Eritrea y Congo, sucesivamente.
En Cuba, fue primer secretario político y oficial de la CIA en la Sección de Intereses Norteamericanos (SINA) —calificada de "estado mayor conjunto de la subversión y la mentira"— donde sustituyó al jefe de estación Alexander George Gryschuk (alias Hryschuk) en las actividades de espionaje y subversión que se desarrollan en el cuartel general del Malecón habanero.
En Ecuador, el nivel de control de la embajada sobre la actividad policíaca en el país era propiamente escandaloso. Funcionarios de la embajada USA controlaban e inventariaban los bienes y los mecanismos de logística de la policía y de su unidad de elite.
Desenmascarado en Ecuador, Sullivan terminó, después de un chapuzón en Chile, de jefe de la otrora prestigiosa guardia pretoriana de Obama, cuyos agentes se distinguen más bien por sus espejuelos al estilo Matrix y sus trajes de gerentes de funeraria.
Para Ronald Kessler, veterano periodista y escritor que alertó al Washington Post de lo ocurrido en Colombia, lo cometido por los hombres de Sullivan no tiene precedentes.
"Nada se le acerca a esto en términos de la potencial brecha de seguridad que pudo existir, la vergüenza que ha causado y el hecho de que los agentes estaban totalmente fuera de línea frente a lo que se espera de ellos. No hay comparación en la historia", declaró en entrevista con El Tiempo, de Bogotá.
Los secuestrados de ETA
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Logotipo de ETA |
La verdad es que participar en dicha iniciativa no exige otra cosa que quienes se acojan a ella muestren de forma "clara, solemne y pública" su rechazo a la violencia. También deberán cumplir el resto de requisitos de la ley penitenciaria, como no podía ser de otra manera.
De momento no habrá acercamientos automáticos de presos a cárceles de Euskadi, con lo que, lo que queda de ETA, castiga tambien a las familias de sus militantes.
La reinserción de los presos de ETA debería pasar por sensibilizarlos con el dolor de las víctimas para que se libren cuanto antes de las trampas ideológicas a las que se han acostumbrado. Supongo que quienes organizan tales programas promoverán iniciativas como las de Nanclares de Oca.
SOS racismo in the USA
RACISIM AND "HATE CRIME" IN THE U.S.: The Ku Klux Klan Still "Kill At Will"
By Dr. Ismail Salami
El artículo de Ismail Salami llama la atención sobre lo que parece una triste realidad: en USA y Europa, existen y funcionan organizaciones racistas capaces de matar. Son los llamados "crímenes por odio". El caso de la muerte del jóven negroTrayvon Martin, de quien Obama dijo que "su hijo hombre podía ser como el muchacho", ha revuelto la memoria de los tiempos más oscuros en los que ser negro era un grave estigma en EEUU. El Klan aún existe. Veremos que se resuelve en los tribunales sobre un caso que divide a la opinión pública.
Once upon a time in America (USA) back in the nineteenth century, there was a far-right organization known as the Ku Klux Klan that adhered to primitively radical and hidebound ideas including white supremacy and brutalized and persecuted the colored race through an act of terrorism.
Also known as the Klan, the group emerged in Pulaski, Tennessee, and is today stigmatized as a hate group. The organisation, which has now been stripped of its name, still exists and splinters into different manifest forms: Racial hatred, religious hatred and ideological hatred.
The organization is not extinct as many sinister forces in the US government tried to consign at least the name to oblivion and is estimated to have more than 10,000 dedicated hatetivists in the United States alone who spare no efforts in giving vent to their racial and religious hatred by intimidating and liquidating those they deem as the wretched of the earth.
The group is innocently called a hate group and the crime they commit is categorized as a hate crime rather than an act of terrorism. According to a lame definition for the unfortunate term provided by the FBI, "A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson or vandalism with an added element of bias."
In fact, what is happening in the United States and Europe under the banner of hate crime is but a new cloak the followers of the Ku Klux Klan are wearing. What they do is more than a crime against an individual; rather, it is a systematically organized crime targeting certain human races who do not easily fall into their definition of humankind. They put themselves in place of God and decide who lives and who doesn’t. This insanity has claimed the lives of others including Trayvon Martin, Kendrec McDade and Shaima Alawadi to mention only a few.
On February 26, George Zimmerman shot dead Trayvon Martin, 17 years old, outside his father’s house, claiming he killed the teen in self-defense after being severely beaten by Martin. However, the police video footage of Zimmerman’s arrest showed that there was no sign of injuries on him.
The tragic incident prompted US President Obama to publicly express his grief over the death of the teenage youth. He said, "[i]f I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon." Without consciously desiring it, the President revealed the nature of the crime, namely it was an organized crime and that it was no ordinary crime. After all, Obama was severely criticized for his stance on the death of Martin. Stephanie Cutter, Obama's Deputy Campaign Manager said on MSNBC that, “Obama’s Republican opponents have jumped all over him because they do want to play politics with this issue. The President spoke from his heart on this, it was trying to emphasize with some parents who had just lost a child. By any measure, this was a tragedy and we need to let the investigation take its course.”
Crimes of this nature are basically put a lid on and soon forgotten. Besides, they are treated with some considerable degree of discretion lest they may be attributed to a regressive practice back in the nineteenth century. There are invisible hands at work in the American society to inculcate that something called Ku Klux Klan is dead and gone forever. And probably, President Obama’s sympathy stemmed from his archetypal wrath at what the notorious did to the black race.
Another heartrending instance of such barbarity is the death of Kendrec McDade, a 19-year-old football star, who was shot dead by Pasadena cops on March 25, 2012. According to the original story run by the US media, Pasadena police “shot and killed a robbery suspect who officers believed was reaching for a gun during a foot chase.”
The young boy’s hands were too close to his waistband. So the police thought he was reaching for his gun and blew his brain out.
By Dr. Ismail Salami
El artículo de Ismail Salami llama la atención sobre lo que parece una triste realidad: en USA y Europa, existen y funcionan organizaciones racistas capaces de matar. Son los llamados "crímenes por odio". El caso de la muerte del jóven negroTrayvon Martin, de quien Obama dijo que "su hijo hombre podía ser como el muchacho", ha revuelto la memoria de los tiempos más oscuros en los que ser negro era un grave estigma en EEUU. El Klan aún existe. Veremos que se resuelve en los tribunales sobre un caso que divide a la opinión pública.
Once upon a time in America (USA) back in the nineteenth century, there was a far-right organization known as the Ku Klux Klan that adhered to primitively radical and hidebound ideas including white supremacy and brutalized and persecuted the colored race through an act of terrorism.
Also known as the Klan, the group emerged in Pulaski, Tennessee, and is today stigmatized as a hate group. The organisation, which has now been stripped of its name, still exists and splinters into different manifest forms: Racial hatred, religious hatred and ideological hatred.
The organization is not extinct as many sinister forces in the US government tried to consign at least the name to oblivion and is estimated to have more than 10,000 dedicated hatetivists in the United States alone who spare no efforts in giving vent to their racial and religious hatred by intimidating and liquidating those they deem as the wretched of the earth.
The group is innocently called a hate group and the crime they commit is categorized as a hate crime rather than an act of terrorism. According to a lame definition for the unfortunate term provided by the FBI, "A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson or vandalism with an added element of bias."
In fact, what is happening in the United States and Europe under the banner of hate crime is but a new cloak the followers of the Ku Klux Klan are wearing. What they do is more than a crime against an individual; rather, it is a systematically organized crime targeting certain human races who do not easily fall into their definition of humankind. They put themselves in place of God and decide who lives and who doesn’t. This insanity has claimed the lives of others including Trayvon Martin, Kendrec McDade and Shaima Alawadi to mention only a few.
On February 26, George Zimmerman shot dead Trayvon Martin, 17 years old, outside his father’s house, claiming he killed the teen in self-defense after being severely beaten by Martin. However, the police video footage of Zimmerman’s arrest showed that there was no sign of injuries on him.
The tragic incident prompted US President Obama to publicly express his grief over the death of the teenage youth. He said, "[i]f I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon." Without consciously desiring it, the President revealed the nature of the crime, namely it was an organized crime and that it was no ordinary crime. After all, Obama was severely criticized for his stance on the death of Martin. Stephanie Cutter, Obama's Deputy Campaign Manager said on MSNBC that, “Obama’s Republican opponents have jumped all over him because they do want to play politics with this issue. The President spoke from his heart on this, it was trying to emphasize with some parents who had just lost a child. By any measure, this was a tragedy and we need to let the investigation take its course.”
Crimes of this nature are basically put a lid on and soon forgotten. Besides, they are treated with some considerable degree of discretion lest they may be attributed to a regressive practice back in the nineteenth century. There are invisible hands at work in the American society to inculcate that something called Ku Klux Klan is dead and gone forever. And probably, President Obama’s sympathy stemmed from his archetypal wrath at what the notorious did to the black race.
Another heartrending instance of such barbarity is the death of Kendrec McDade, a 19-year-old football star, who was shot dead by Pasadena cops on March 25, 2012. According to the original story run by the US media, Pasadena police “shot and killed a robbery suspect who officers believed was reaching for a gun during a foot chase.”
The young boy’s hands were too close to his waistband. So the police thought he was reaching for his gun and blew his brain out.
miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012
El asesino de Noruega despotrica
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Pasaporte especial |
No favorecía acciones terroristas.
Jamás dió un tiro en la nuca a un enemigo. Era un soldado valiente que creía con firmeza en la lucha armada como vía de hacer la revolución. Renunció a todos los posibles privilegios burocráticos como ministro en Cuba. Era exigente y espartano. Era un poeta que se sabía sobreponer a la adversidad.
Como notarán los que lean esto soy guevarista. Y a mucha honra.
Hasta la victoria siempre Che comandante, amigo.
Vuelve "Mein Kampf"
No lo duden: va a resultar un buen negocio la reedición de "Mein Kampf", la farragosa autobiografía del carnicero nazi Adolf Hitler. Eso ocurrirá a partir de 2015. Van a sacar dos ediciones. Una para público jóven y otra para los más entendidos.
En 2016 el Baviera perderá los derechos de autor sobre el panfleto propagandístico, que fue un best seller en los años veinte y treinta y convirtió a su autor en millonario antes de 1933, cuando accedió a la Cancillería e instauró su dictadura nacionalsocialista.
Hitler perpetró el mamotreto tanto para satisfacer su vacilante ego:era un mal artista que vendía pequeños paisajes por las cervecerías de Munich, y un cabo retirado de infantería, al que sus mejores enemigos tildaban de impotente por una lesión testicular. Hitler empezó a escribirlo en la cárcel de Landsberg, donde lo encerraron tras su intentona golpista de 1923.
. Desde que se generalizó el uso de Internet es muy sencillo bajarse ediciones electrónicas del texto en su versión original.
Cargado de antisemitismo visceral, el ridículo engendro fue un presente muy común entre los alemanes de 1933 y hasta 1944 Cuando llegó la amarga derrota el texto cayó en un púdico olvido. Tenían demasiado que hacer los alemanes para tales menesteres literarios.
Tuve en mis manos una edición alemana e 1933 que supongo que haría las delicias de algún coleccionista. Sentí repeluz al recorrer las páginas amarillentas pero en perfecto estado. En España se publicó en 1935 y lo mismo ocurrió en Latinoamérica.
Una querida amiga alemana que vivió la tragedia de la guerra con pocos años me ha relatado cómo en la escuela pública instruían a los niños en reconocer a los judíos por la forma de sus orejas y otras características anatómicas. De igual manera les estimulaban a la alabanza al líder. Muchos alemanes sienten una gran incomodidad cuando se rememoran los horrores del régimen nazi.
La publicación de "Mein Kamp" puede resultar una buena forma de superar tabúes.
En 2016 el Baviera perderá los derechos de autor sobre el panfleto propagandístico, que fue un best seller en los años veinte y treinta y convirtió a su autor en millonario antes de 1933, cuando accedió a la Cancillería e instauró su dictadura nacionalsocialista.
Hitler perpetró el mamotreto tanto para satisfacer su vacilante ego:era un mal artista que vendía pequeños paisajes por las cervecerías de Munich, y un cabo retirado de infantería, al que sus mejores enemigos tildaban de impotente por una lesión testicular. Hitler empezó a escribirlo en la cárcel de Landsberg, donde lo encerraron tras su intentona golpista de 1923.
. Desde que se generalizó el uso de Internet es muy sencillo bajarse ediciones electrónicas del texto en su versión original.
Cargado de antisemitismo visceral, el ridículo engendro fue un presente muy común entre los alemanes de 1933 y hasta 1944 Cuando llegó la amarga derrota el texto cayó en un púdico olvido. Tenían demasiado que hacer los alemanes para tales menesteres literarios.
Tuve en mis manos una edición alemana e 1933 que supongo que haría las delicias de algún coleccionista. Sentí repeluz al recorrer las páginas amarillentas pero en perfecto estado. En España se publicó en 1935 y lo mismo ocurrió en Latinoamérica.
Una querida amiga alemana que vivió la tragedia de la guerra con pocos años me ha relatado cómo en la escuela pública instruían a los niños en reconocer a los judíos por la forma de sus orejas y otras características anatómicas. De igual manera les estimulaban a la alabanza al líder. Muchos alemanes sienten una gran incomodidad cuando se rememoran los horrores del régimen nazi.
La publicación de "Mein Kamp" puede resultar una buena forma de superar tabúes.