Si han seguido codondesastre con cierta asiduidad, (gracias) tal vez recuerden una entrada titulada "Como ser vegano y no morir en el intento". Lo de pasarse a la onda "veg" es un "trending topic"global. Basta pasearse por aquí por por allá en los foros o consultar recetas. Pero hay quienes no comulgan con tan presuntamente sana corriente dietética (aunque no faltan quienes se lo toman como forma de vida, religión o filosofía, que de todo hay). El autor del libro VB6 que menciono estaba amenazado por desarrollar diabetes y bastante pasado de peso. Pero se negó a la solución vegana. Tal vez desconoce la dieta Mediterránea. Les dejo sus 8 razones para no ser vegano a tiempo completo.
Bittman es un activo colaborador de prensa estadounidense.
1. I eat mostly unprocessed plants before 6 p.m., and then whatever I want afterward. And, in answer to the most frequently asked question: Yes, I cheat.
2. This led to “low-fat” foods (Snackwells is a shining but hardly only example) and the biggest per capita weight gain in American history.
3. Just this week, for example, a new study was published showing that plants may be protective against cancer. I include this not because it’s conclusive but just to show that the work is ongoing.
4. Or, as David Katz has said, “The active ingredient in broccoli is broccoli.”
5. Jared Diamond, in his 1987 article “The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race,” questions whether agriculture was actually an advance for humans, but there is obviously no going back.
6. Reducing waste, sometimes estimated as high as 50 percent of all food produced, is another obvious answer.
7. This is also spelled out in Dean Ornish’s book “The Spectrum.” I’m a long-time admirer of Ornish, and for that reason I asked him to write the foreword to my book.
8. A vegan diet is no guarantee of a good diet, unless the only goal is to avoid killing animals. Sugar-sweetened beverages, French fries and doughnuts can all be vegan. (Con información del autor y del NYT).
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