Fight the Enemies of Truth: Support the Spread of Knowledge
Global Research, April 24, 2015
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The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie deliberate, contrived and dishonest but the myth persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. JFK
The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking
For those whose understanding of the world is derived from what their governments and political leaders tell them to believe, and from the mainstream media which regurgitates the governments views and ideology, the world is left black and white, us vs. them, a simple myth to hold on to. For these people: the economic crisis is over and we are now in a recovery; the War on Terror is an age-old battle between the forces of good and evil, retribution for the attacks of 9/11, and is designed to battle terrorism in every corner of the world; the era of imperialism ended with World War II, and America is not an empire, but rather a bastion for freedom which spreads democracy around the world; the war against Libya was intended to save innocent lives out of humanitarian concerns; we must accept the loss and restriction of our fundamental rights and liberties in order to protect us from terrorists; Barack Obama has brought change and is a beacon of hope; and the death of Osama bin Laden showed that the War on Terror is working, and is worthy of going out in the streets to celebrate and cheer! Oh but wait, it’s not over. Now there is ISIS, the new face of terror which we need to “degrade and destroy” in Syria and Iraq… and a
La mentira interminable
Por Carlos Alberto Montaner Madrid — Castro está feliz con el pacto entre los socialistas españoles e Izquierda Unida. No se ha quedado mudo con la noticia porque Castro no se queda callado ni dormido. Se lo ha dicho a una delegación balear que recaló en la isla para aprovisionarse [...]
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