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jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

Rechazados por su look

No pocas veces las personas que no cumplen los requisitos de cierto aspecto personal impuesto por un mercado discriminatorio y enfermizo se ven rechazadas en los procesos de selección para un puesto de trabajo. Hombres y mujeres con sobrepeso, gordos/as son mal vistos. Fíjense en Yahoo y sus indecentes tratamientos del look femenino. Aquí va un extracto en inglés que pueden seguir en "The Guardian". Si han sido discriminados por pesar más que una modelo de pasarela, tener tripa o el denominado sobrepeso y les apetece contarlo, codondesastre lo publicará. Siempre de forma respetuosa y correcta. Cañeros pero decentes.

gordos : Fat Man feliz con sonrisa grande

Is obesity a disability or a choice gone awry? Danish child-minder Karsten Kaltoft was fired from his job because he was too overweight – at 25 stone – to tie a child's shoe laces. He is suing for discrimination. His case will he heard by the European court of justice in Luxembourg today. If Kaltoft is successful, the ruling will be binding throughout the EU. Employers will be required to treat overweight employees as disabled and therefore requiring special treatment – priority parking, for instance, and sturdy furniture – and they will be unable to fire them for being overweight. (I will not say "fat". Eating disorder professionals do not say fat because they know that compulsive eating and anorexia are twins, and dependent on self-hatred to thrive.) The right will scream that this is special treatment for "fat" people – they probably will say "fat", not being eating disorder professionals, or even particularly kindly – who choose to be "fat" even if now they regret it, and have to be cut from their homes by emergency workers. On your bike, and so forth. Eat some kale".

Ah, by de way: hace ya casi una semana que Yahoo no insulta a Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano. O se han acojonado ellos o les dieron un buen toque real. Que se j..... Yahoo. Que respete a todas las personas.
Foto libertadigital

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